
X-ray diffraction
2.9Å resolution

Three-dimensional structure of a binary ROP-PRONE complex

Model geometry
Fit model/data

Function and Biology Details

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
hetero tetramer (preferred)
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-174378 (preferred)
Entry contents:
2 distinct polypeptide molecules
Macromolecules (2 distinct):
Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 8 Chains: A, B
Molecule details ›
Chains: A, B
Length: 365 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 41.52 KDa
Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Expression system: Escherichia coli BL21
  • Canonical: Q9LV40 (Residues: 76-440; Coverage: 70%)
Gene names: At3g24620, MOB24.21, ROPGEF8
Sequence domains: PRONE (Plant-specific Rop nucleotide exchanger)
Structure domains:
Rac-like GTP-binding protein ARAC2 Chains: C, D
Molecule details ›
Chains: C, D
Length: 180 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 19.87 KDa
Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Expression system: Escherichia coli BL21
  • Canonical: Q38903 (Residues: 1-180; Coverage: 90%)
Gene names: ARAC2, At5g45970, MCL19.1, ROP7
Sequence domains: Ras family
Structure domains: P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases

Ligands and Environments

No bound ligands
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
X-ray source: SLS BEAMLINE X06SA
Spacegroup: P212121
Unit cell:
a: 80.55Å b: 110.22Å c: 151.98Å
α: 90° β: 90° γ: 90°
R R work R free
0.217 0.215 0.261
Expression system: Escherichia coli BL21