
Solution NMR

Double-stranded RNA-binding motif of Hypothetical protein BAB28848

Source organism: Mus musculus
Entry authors: Nagata T, Muto Y, Hayashi F, Hamana H, Shirouzu M, Terada T, Kigawa T, Inoue M, Yabuki T, Aoki M, Seki E, Matsuda T, Hirota H, Yoshida M, Kobayashi N, Tanaka A, Osanai T, Matsuo Y, Hayashizaki Y, Yokoyama S, RIKEN Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative (RSGI)

Function and Biology Details

Reaction catalysed:
ATP + H(2)O = ADP + phosphate
Biochemical function:
Biological process:
  • not assigned
Cellular component:
  • not assigned

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
monomeric (preferred)
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-130675 (preferred)
Entry contents:
1 distinct polypeptide molecule
ATP-dependent RNA helicase A Chain: A
Molecule details ›
Chain: A
Length: 113 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 12.51 KDa
Source organism: Mus musculus
Expression system: CELL-FREE SYNTHESIS
  • Canonical: O70133 (Residues: 162-262; Coverage: 7%)
  • Best match: O70133-3 (Residues: 1-46)
Gene names: Ddx9, Dhx9
Sequence domains: Double-stranded RNA binding motif
Structure domains: Double Stranded RNA Binding Domain

Ligands and Environments

No bound ligands
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
Refinement method: torsion angle dynamics, simulated annealing
Expression system: CELL-FREE SYNTHESIS