Function and Biology Details
Reaction catalysed:
ATP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine = ADP + a [protein]-L-tyrosine phosphate
Biochemical function:
- not assigned
Biological process:
- not assigned
Cellular component:
- not assigned
Sequence domains:
Structure domain:
Structure analysis Details
Assembly composition:
hetero dimer (preferred)
Assembly name:
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-145803 (preferred)
Entry contents:
2 distinct polypeptide molecules
Macromolecules (2 distinct):
Ligands and Environments
No bound ligands
No modified residues
Experiments and Validation Details
Refinement method:
Structures of the SNT-1 PTB domain in complex with the hFGFR1 peptide were calculated with a
distance geometry and simulated annealing protocol by using the X-PLOR program ([4]). NOE distance
and dihedral angle restraints were treated with a square-well potential of 50 kcal mol?1 ?2. A total of
2448 manually assigned NOE-derived distance restraints were obtained from the 15N- or 13C-edited
NOESY data. Included in this figure are 251 intrapeptide and 258 intermolecular distance restraints.
Additionally, 255 unambiguous and 52 ambiguous distance restraints were identified from the NOE data
by using ARIA. The final structure calculations employed a total of 2755 NOE restraints obtained
from the manual and the ARIA-assisted assignments, 2703 of which were unambiguously assigned
NOE-derived distance restraints that comprise 1072 intraresidue, 466 sequential, 216 medium-range,
and 949 long-range NOEs. In addition, 70 hydrogen-bond distance restraints for 35 hydrogen bonds and
19 -angle restraints were also used in the structure calculations. For the ensemble of the final 20
structures, no distance or torsional angle restraint was violated by more than 0.4 or 5, respectively.
The distance-violation, dihedral-violation, and total energies were 74.4 1.7 kcal mol/1, 0.82 0.08
kcal mol/1, and 262.0 6.0 kcal mol/1, respectively. The Lennard-Jones potential, which was not used
during any refinement stage, was 659.3 23.1 kcal mol/1 for the final structures. Ramachandran plot
analysis by Procheck-NMR showed that in the final structures of the complex, 98.1% of the
backbone geometries of the non-Gly and non-Pro residues in the complex (protein residues 18-116 and
peptide residues (412-430) and nearly 100% in the secondary structure (protein residues 19-24, 35-40,
45-49, 52-57, 63-68, 71-76, 85-90, 94-107, and 111-115 and peptide residues 426-430) lie within
energetically favorable or allowed regions.
Expression systems:
- Not provided
- Escherichia coli