1aw2 Citations

Triose-phosphate isomerase (TIM) of the psychrophilic bacterium Vibrio marinus. Kinetic and structural properties.

J Biol Chem 273 2199-206 (1998)
Cited: 79 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 9442062


The purification and characterization of triose-phosphate isomerase from the psychrophilic bacterium Vibrio marinus (vTIM) is described. Crystal structures of the vTIM-sulfate complex and the vTIM-2-phosphoglycolate complex (at a 2.7-A resolution) are also presented. The optimal growth temperature of Vibrio marinus is 15 degrees C. Stability studies show that vTIM is an unstable protein with a half-life of only 10 min at 25 degrees C. The vTIM sequence is most closely related to the sequence of Escherichia coli TIM (eTIM) (66% identity), and several unique structural features described for eTIM are also seen in vTIM, but eTIM is considerably more stable. The Td values of vTIM and eTIM, determined by calorimetric studies, are 41 and 54 degrees C, respectively. Amino acid sequence comparison reveals that vTIM has an alanine in loop 8 (at position 238), whereas all other TIM sequences known to date have a serine. The vTIM mutant A238S was produced and characterized. Compared with wild type, the catalytic efficiency of the A238S mutant is somewhat reduced, and its stability is considerably increased.

Reviews - 1aw2 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Discovery, Molecular Mechanisms, and Industrial Applications of Cold-Active Enzymes. Santiago M, Ramírez-Sarmiento CA, Zamora RA, Parra LP. Front Microbiol 7 1408 (2016)

Articles - 1aw2 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Structural analysis on mutation residues and interfacial water molecules for human TIM disease understanding. Li Z, He Y, Liu Q, Zhao L, Wong L, Kwoh CK, Nguyen H, Li J. BMC Bioinformatics 14 Suppl 16 S11 (2013)
  2. Crystallographically correct but confusing presentation of structural models deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Dauter Z, Wlodawer A. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 74 939-945 (2018)

Reviews citing this publication (10)

  1. The stability of proteins in extreme environments. Jaenicke R, Böhm G. Curr Opin Struct Biol 8 738-748 (1998)
  2. Cold-adapted enzymes. Siddiqui KS, Cavicchioli R. Annu Rev Biochem 75 403-433 (2006)
  3. Cold-adapted enzymes: from fundamentals to biotechnology. Gerday C, Aittaleb M, Bentahir M, Chessa JP, Claverie P, Collins T, D'Amico S, Dumont J, Garsoux G, Georlette D, Hoyoux A, Lonhienne T, Meuwis MA, Feller G. Trends Biotechnol 18 103-107 (2000)
  4. Low-temperature extremophiles and their applications. Cavicchioli R, Siddiqui KS, Andrews D, Sowers KR. Curr Opin Biotechnol 13 253-261 (2002)
  5. Molecular basis of cold adaptation. D'Amico S, Claverie P, Collins T, Georlette D, Gratia E, Hoyoux A, Meuwis MA, Feller G, Gerday C. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 357 917-925 (2002)
  6. Psychrophilic enzymes: from folding to function and biotechnology. Feller G. Scientifica (Cairo) 2013 512840 (2013)
  7. Optimization to low temperature activity in psychrophilic enzymes. Struvay C, Feller G. Int J Mol Sci 13 11643-11665 (2012)
  8. A guide to the effects of a large portion of the residues of triosephosphate isomerase on catalysis, stability, druggability, and human disease. Olivares-Illana V, Riveros-Rosas H, Cabrera N, Tuena de Gómez-Puyou M, Pérez-Montfort R, Costas M, Gómez-Puyou A. Proteins 85 1190-1211 (2017)
  9. Multifactorial level of extremostability of proteins: can they be exploited for protein engineering? Chakravorty D, Khan MF, Patra S. Extremophiles 21 419-444 (2017)
  10. Architecture, Function, Regulation, and Evolution of α-Glucans Metabolic Enzymes in Prokaryotes. Cifuente JO, Colleoni C, Kalscheuer R, Guerin ME. Chem Rev 124 4863-4934 (2024)

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