1c25 Citations

Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the human cell cycle control phosphatase, Cdc25A.


Cdc25 phosphatases activate the cell division kinases throughout the cell cycle. The 2.3 A structure of the human Cdc25A catalytic domain reveals a small alpha/beta domain with a fold unlike previously described phosphatase structures but identical to rhodanese, a sulfur-transfer protein. Only the active-site loop, containing the Cys-(X)5-Arg motif, shows similarity to the tyrosine phosphatases. In some crystals, the catalytic Cys-430 forms a disulfide bond with the invariant Cys-384, suggesting that Cdc25 may be self-inhibited during oxidative stress. Asp-383, previously proposed to be the general acid, instead serves a structural role, forming a conserved buried salt-bridge. We propose that Glu-431 may act as a general acid. Structure-based alignments suggest that the noncatalytic domain of the MAP kinase phosphatases will share this topology, as will ACR2, a eukaryotic arsenical resistance protein.

Reviews - 1c25 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Overview of protein structural and functional folds. Sun PD, Foster CE, Boyington JC. Curr Protoc Protein Sci Chapter 17 Unit 17.1 (2004)
  2. Oncogenic Tyrosine Phosphatases: Novel Therapeutic Targets for Melanoma Treatment. Pardella E, Pranzini E, Leo A, Taddei ML, Paoli P, Raugei G. Cancers (Basel) 12 E2799 (2020)
  3. Rhodanese-Fold Containing Proteins in Humans: Not Just Key Players in Sulfur Trafficking. Alsohaibani R, Claudel AL, Perchat-Varlet R, Boutserin S, Talfournier F, Boschi-Muller S, Selles B. Antioxidants (Basel) 12 843 (2023)

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