1c82 Citations

Mechanism of hyaluronan binding and degradation: structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase in complex with hyaluronic acid disaccharide at 1.7 A resolution.

J Mol Biol 299 885-95 (2000)
Cited: 44 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 10843845


Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an important constituent of the extracellular matrix; its bacterial degradation has been postulated to contribute to the spread of certain streptococci through tissue. Pneumococci and other streptococci produce hyaluronate lyase, an enzyme which depolymerizes HA, thus hyaluronate lyase might contribute directly to bacterial invasion. Although two different mechanisms for lyase action have been proposed, there was no crystallographic evidence to support those mechanisms. Here, we report the high-resolution crystal structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase in the presence of HA disaccharide product, which ultimately provides the first crystallographic evidence for the binding of HA to hyaluronate lyase. This structural complex revealed a key interaction between the Streptococcus peneumoniae hyaluronate lyase protein and the product, and supports our previously proposed novel catalytic mechanism for HA degradation based on the native Streptococcus peneumoniae hyaluronate lyase structure. The information provided by this complex structure will likely be useful in the development of antimicrobial pharmaceutical agents.

Reviews - 1c82 mentioned but not cited (1)

Articles - 1c82 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Enhanced propagation of Granulicatella adiacens from human oral microbiota by hyaluronan. Yabuuchi S, Oiki S, Minami S, Takase R, Watanabe D, Hashimoto W. Sci Rep 12 10948 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (13)

  1. Hyaluronidases: their genomics, structures, and mechanisms of action. Stern R, Jedrzejas MJ. Chem Rev 106 818-839 (2006)
  2. Pneumococcal virulence factors: structure and function. Jedrzejas MJ. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 65 187-207 ; first page, table of contents (2001)
  3. The many ways to cleave hyaluronan. Stern R, Kogan G, Jedrzejas MJ, Soltés L. Biotechnol Adv 25 537-557 (2007)
  4. Structural view of glycosaminoglycan-protein interactions. Imberty A, Lortat-Jacob H, Pérez S. Carbohydr Res 342 430-439 (2007)
  5. Snake venom hyaluronidase: a therapeutic target. Kemparaju K, Girish KS. Cell Biochem Funct 24 7-12 (2006)
  6. Hyaluronan: polysaccharide chaos to protein organisation. Day AJ, Sheehan JK. Curr Opin Struct Biol 11 617-622 (2001)
  7. Pneumococcal surface proteins: when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Pérez-Dorado I, Galan-Bartual S, Hermoso JA. Mol Oral Microbiol 27 221-245 (2012)
  8. Structural and functional comparison of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. Jedrzejas MJ. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 35 221-251 (2000)
  9. Hyaluronic acid: separation and biological implications. Kakehi K, Kinoshita M, Yasueda S. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 797 347-355 (2003)
  10. Glycan-metabolizing enzymes in microbe-host interactions: the Streptococcus pneumoniae paradigm. Hobbs JK, Pluvinage B, Boraston AB. FEBS Lett 592 3865-3897 (2018)
  11. Polysaccharide lyases: recent developments as biotechnological tools. Michaud P, Da Costa A, Courtois B, Courtois J. Crit Rev Biotechnol 23 233-266 (2003)
  12. Virulence factors in pneumococcal respiratory pathogenesis. Preston JA, Dockrell DH. Future Microbiol 3 205-221 (2008)
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