Articles - 1d2q mentioned but not cited (5)
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- Molecular Docking Studies of a Cyclic Octapeptide-Cyclosaplin from Sandalwood. Mishra A, Dey S. Biomolecules 9 E740 (2019)
- Analysis of naproxen activation of cell death pathways in Colo320 cells. Chen A, Zhu W, Goding R. Mol Clin Oncol 21 61 (2024)
Reviews citing this publication (27)
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- New insights into apoptosis signaling by Apo2L/TRAIL. Gonzalvez F, Ashkenazi A. Oncogene 29 4752-4765 (2010)
- Onto better TRAILs for cancer treatment. de Miguel D, Lemke J, Anel A, Walczak H, Martinez-Lostao L. Cell Death Differ 23 733-747 (2016)
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