1d5r Citations

Crystal structure of the PTEN tumor suppressor: implications for its phosphoinositide phosphatase activity and membrane association.


The PTEN tumor suppressor is mutated in diverse human cancers and in hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes. PTEN is a phosphatase that can act on both polypeptide and phosphoinositide substrates in vitro. The PTEN structure reveals a phosphatase domain that is similar to protein phosphatases but has an enlarged active site important for the accommodation of the phosphoinositide substrate. The structure also reveals that PTEN has a C2 domain. The PTEN C2 domain binds phospholipid membranes in vitro, and mutation of basic residues that could mediate this reduces PTEN's membrane affinity and its ability to suppress the growth of glioblastoma tumor cells. The phosphatase and C2 domains associate across an extensive interface, suggesting that the C2 domain may serve to productively position the catalytic domain on the membrane.

Reviews - 1d5r mentioned but not cited (15)

  1. A continuum model for tumour suppression. Berger AH, Knudson AG, Pandolfi PP. Nature 476 163-169 (2011)
  2. Pathological unfoldomics of uncontrolled chaos: intrinsically disordered proteins and human diseases. Uversky VN, Davé V, Iakoucheva LM, Malaney P, Metallo SJ, Pathak RR, Joerger AC. Chem Rev 114 6844-6879 (2014)
  3. PTEN modulators: a patent review. Boosani CS, Agrawal DK. Expert Opin Ther Pat 23 569-580 (2013)
  4. The structure of phosphoinositide phosphatases: Insights into substrate specificity and catalysis. Hsu F, Mao Y. Biochim Biophys Acta 1851 698-710 (2015)
  5. Targeting phosphatases of regenerating liver (PRLs) in cancer. Wei M, Korotkov KV, Blackburn JS. Pharmacol Ther 190 128-138 (2018)
  6. Membrane association of the PTEN tumor suppressor: neutron scattering and MD simulations reveal the structure of protein-membrane complexes. Nanda H, Heinrich F, Lösche M. Methods 77-78 136-146 (2015)
  7. Unique carbohydrate binding platforms employed by the glucan phosphatases. Emanuelle S, Brewer MK, Meekins DA, Gentry MS. Cell Mol Life Sci 73 2765-2778 (2016)
  8. Critical Roles of Dual-Specificity Phosphatases in Neuronal Proteostasis and Neurological Diseases. Bhore N, Wang BJ, Chen YW, Liao YF. Int J Mol Sci 18 E1963 (2017)
  9. Structural mechanisms of plant glucan phosphatases in starch metabolism. Meekins DA, Vander Kooi CW, Gentry MS. FEBS J 283 2427-2447 (2016)
  10. Voltage sensitive phosphatases: emerging kinship to protein tyrosine phosphatases from structure-function research. Hobiger K, Friedrich T. Front Pharmacol 6 20 (2015)
  11. Overview of protein structural and functional folds. Sun PD, Foster CE, Boyington JC. Curr Protoc Protein Sci Chapter 17 Unit 17.1 (2004)
  12. The Impact of Genetic Variants on PTEN Molecular Functions and Cellular Phenotypes. Hasle N, Matreyek KA, Fowler DM. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 9 a036228 (2019)
  13. Targeting PTEN Regulation by Post Translational Modifications. González-García A, Garrido A, Carrera AC. Cancers (Basel) 14 5613 (2022)
  14. Domain-to-domain coupling in voltage-sensing phosphatase. Sakata S, Matsuda M, Kawanabe A, Okamura Y. Biophys Physicobiol 14 85-97 (2017)
  15. Target-Based Small Molecule Drug Discovery for Colorectal Cancer: A Review of Molecular Pathways and In Silico Studies. Moshawih S, Lim AF, Ardianto C, Goh KW, Kifli N, Goh HP, Jarrar Q, Ming LC. Biomolecules 12 878 (2022)

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