1d6e Citations

Peptide and peptide mimetic inhibitors of antigen presentation by HLA-DR class II MHC molecules. Design, structure-activity relationships, and X-ray crystal structures.


Molecular features of ligand binding to MHC class II HLA-DR molecules have been elucidated through a combination of peptide structure-activity studies and structure-based drug design, resulting in analogues with nanomolar affinity in binding assays. Stabilization of lead compounds against cathepsin B cleavage by N-methylation of noncritical backbone NH groups or by dipeptide mimetic substitutions has generated analogues that compete effectively against protein antigens in cellular assays, resulting in inhibition of T-cell proliferation. Crystal structures of four ternary complexes of different peptide mimetics with the rheumatoid arthritis-linked MHC DRB10401 and the bacterial superantigen SEB have been obtained. Peptide-sugar hybrids have also been identified using a structure-based design approach in which the sugar residue replaces a dipeptide. These studies illustrate the complementary roles played by phage display library methods, peptide analogue SAR, peptide mimetics substitutions, and structure-based drug design in the discovery of inhibitors of antigen presentation by MHC class II HLA-DR molecules.

Reviews - 1d6e mentioned but not cited (1)

Articles - 1d6e mentioned but not cited (4)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

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