Function and Biology Details
Biochemical function:
- not assigned
Biological process:
- not assigned
Cellular component:
- not assigned
Structure analysis Details
Assembly composition:
homo tetramer (preferred)
Assembly name:
DNA (preferred)
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-113751 (preferred)
Entry contents:
1 distinct DNA molecule
Ligands and Environments
No bound ligands
No modified residues
Experiments and Validation Details
Refinement method:
An initial model of quadruplex was generated on a IRIS workastation.Energy minimization by steepest descent followed by conjugate gradients methods was done using AMBER force field. Conformational search for the cquadruplex was performed by simulated annealing-reastarined molecular dynamics using AMBER forcefield. Relaxation matrix refinement was performed.
Expression system: Not provided