Articles - 1etl mentioned but not cited (11)
- PEP-FOLD: an updated de novo structure prediction server for both linear and disulfide bonded cyclic peptides. Thévenet P, Shen Y, Maupetit J, Guyon F, Derreumaux P, Tufféry P. Nucleic Acids Res 40 W288-93 (2012)
- Persistent homology analysis of protein structure, flexibility, and folding. Xia K, Wei GW. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng 30 814-844 (2014)
- PEPstrMOD: structure prediction of peptides containing natural, non-natural and modified residues. Singh S, Singh H, Tuknait A, Chaudhary K, Singh B, Kumaran S, Raghava GP. Biol Direct 10 73 (2015)
- Fast and anisotropic flexibility-rigidity index for protein flexibility and fluctuation analysis. Opron K, Xia K, Wei GW. J Chem Phys 140 234105 (2014)
- Hydration water and bulk water in proteins have distinct properties in radial distributions calculated from 105 atomic resolution crystal structures. Chen X, Weber I, Harrison RW. J Phys Chem B 112 12073-12080 (2008)
- Coarse grained normal mode analysis vs. refined Gaussian Network Model for protein residue-level structural fluctuations. Park JK, Jernigan R, Wu Z. Bull Math Biol 75 124-160 (2013)
- On the Dielectric Boundary in Poisson-Boltzmann Calculations. Tjong H, Zhou HX. J Chem Theory Comput 4 507-514 (2008)
- Molecular nonlinear dynamics and protein thermal uncertainty quantification. Xia K, Wei GW. Chaos 24 013103 (2014)
- Blind prediction of protein B-factor and flexibility. Bramer D, Wei GW. J Chem Phys 149 134107 (2018)
- Clustering and percolation in protein loop structures. Peng X, He J, Niemi AJ. BMC Struct Biol 15 22 (2015)
- Atom-specific persistent homology and its application to protein flexibility analysis. Bramer D, Wei GW. Comput Math Biophys 8 1-35 (2020)
Reviews citing this publication (7)
- Enteric bacterial toxins: mechanisms of action and linkage to intestinal secretion. Sears CL, Kaper JB. Microbiol Rev 60 167-215 (1996)
- Occurrence, distribution, and associations of O and H serogroups, colonization factor antigens, and toxins of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Wolf MK. Clin Microbiol Rev 10 569-584 (1997)
- Heat-stable enterotoxin of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli as a vaccine target. Taxt A, Aasland R, Sommerfelt H, Nataro J, Puntervoll P. Infect Immun 78 1824-1831 (2010)
- Cure and curse: E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin and its receptor guanylyl cyclase C. Weiglmeier PR, Rösch P, Berkner H. Toxins (Basel) 2 2213-2229 (2010)
- The heat-stable enterotoxins. Nair GB, Takeda Y. Microb Pathog 24 123-131 (1998)
- Interactions between bacterial toxins and intestinal cells. Popoff MR. Toxicon 36 665-685 (1998)
- Recent structural studies of peptides in Japan. Okuyama K, Ohuchi S. Biopolymers 40 85-103 (1996)
Articles citing this publication (6)
- Receptor guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C): regulation and signal transduction. Basu N, Arshad N, Visweswariah SS. Mol Cell Biochem 334 67-80 (2010)
- Heat-labile- and heat-stable-toxoid fusions (LTR₁₉₂G-STaP₁₃F) of human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli elicit neutralizing antitoxin antibodies. Liu M, Ruan X, Zhang C, Lawson SR, Knudsen DE, Nataro JP, Robertson DC, Zhang W. Infect Immun 79 4002-4009 (2011)
- Contribution of defined amino acid residues to the immunogenicity of recombinant Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin fusion proteins. Batisson I, Der Vartanian M. FEMS Microbiol Lett 192 223-229 (2000)
- Evidence for stimulation of the inositol triphosphate-Ca2+ signalling system in rat enterocytes by heat stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli. Chaudhuri AG, Ganguly U. Biochim Biophys Acta 1267 131-133 (1995)
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- Charges, hydrogen bonds, and correlated motions in the 1 A resolution refined structure of the mating pheromone Er-1 from Euplotes raikovi. Anderson DH, Weiss MS, Eisenberg D. J Mol Biol 273 479-500 (1997)
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