Articles - 1hco mentioned but not cited (4)
- The implementation of SOMO (SOlution MOdeller) in the UltraScan analytical ultracentrifugation data analysis suite: enhanced capabilities allow the reliable hydrodynamic modeling of virtually any kind of biomacromolecule. Brookes E, Demeler B, Rosano C, Rocco M. Eur Biophys J 39 423-435 (2010)
- HullRad: Fast Calculations of Folded and Disordered Protein and Nucleic Acid Hydrodynamic Properties. Fleming PJ, Fleming KG. Biophys J 114 856-869 (2018)
- Critical structural fluctuations of proteins upon thermal unfolding challenge the Lindemann criterion. Katava M, Stirnemann G, Zanatta M, Capaccioli S, Pachetti M, Ngai KL, Sterpone F, Paciaroni A. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114 9361-9366 (2017)
- GRPY: An Accurate Bead Method for Calculation of Hydrodynamic Properties of Rigid Biomacromolecules. Zuk PJ, Cichocki B, Szymczak P. Biophys J 115 782-800 (2018)
Reviews citing this publication (2)
- Computer studies of interactions between macromolecules. Wodak SJ, De Crombrugghe M, Janin J. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 49 29-63 (1987)
- Structures of a hemoglobin-based blood substitute: insights into the function of allosteric proteins. Kroeger KS, Kundrot CE. Structure 5 227-237 (1997)
Articles citing this publication (103)
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- Stereochemistry of cooperative effects in fish an amphibian haemoglobins. Perutz MF, Brunori M. Nature 299 421-426 (1982)
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- Chain-selective isotopic labeling for NMR studies of large multimeric proteins: application to hemoglobin. Simplaceanu V, Lukin JA, Fang TY, Zou M, Ho NT, Ho C. Biophys J 79 1146-1154 (2000)
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- The distal residue-CO interaction in carbonmonoxy myoglobins: a molecular dynamics study of two distal histidine tautomers. Jewsbury P, Kitagawa T. Biophys J 67 2236-2250 (1994)
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