Carbohydrate polymer

alpha-D-glucopyranuronic acid-(1-2)-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranose-(1-4)]alpha-D-mannopyranose

Molecular weight: 502 Da
Chain: C
Components: MAN (1), GCU (1), RAM (1)

Environment details NEW

The above 2D and 3D (Mol*) views of ligand interactions use quaternary structure derived from the PDB entry.
Please note:
  • Some chain IDs in the tooltip are followed by a number in square brackets. This number corresponds to the operation ID (mmCIF ‘oper_expression’) used to transform the chain.
  • The structure seen in Mol* (3D view) was protonated using ChimeraX.
  • Interactions were calculated using Arpeggio (see details for interaction types).
  • The colour scheme used is consistent with Clustal X.