1itw Citations

Structure of the monomeric isocitrate dehydrogenase: evidence of a protein monomerization by a domain duplication.

Structure 10 1637-48 (2002)
Cited: 38 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12467571


NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase is a member of the beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenase family and catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation reaction from 2R,3S-isocitrate to yield 2-oxoglutarate and CO(2) in the Krebs cycle. Although most prokaryotic NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDHs) are homodimeric enzymes, the monomeric IDH with a molecular weight of 80-100 kDa has been found in a few species of bacteria. The 1.95 A crystal structure of the monomeric IDH revealed that it consists of two distinct domains, and its folding topology is related to the dimeric IDH. The structure of the large domain repeats a motif observed in the dimeric IDH. Such a fusional structure by domain duplication enables a single polypeptide chain to form a structure at the catalytic site that is homologous to the dimeric IDH, the catalytic site of which is located at the interface of two identical subunits.

Reviews - 1itw mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structure and clinical relevance of the epidermal growth factor receptor in human cancer. Kumar A, Petri ET, Halmos B, Boggon TJ. J Clin Oncol 26 1742-1751 (2008)

Articles - 1itw mentioned but not cited (8)

  1. 4SCOPmap: automated assignment of protein structures to evolutionary superfamilies. Cheek S, Qi Y, Krishna SS, Kinch LN, Grishin NV. BMC Bioinformatics 5 197 (2004)
  2. The structure of DC-SIGNR with a portion of its repeat domain lends insights to modeling of the receptor tetramer. Snyder GA, Colonna M, Sun PD. J Mol Biol 347 979-989 (2005)
  3. A rheostat mechanism governs the bifurcation of carbon flux in mycobacteria. Murima P, Zimmermann M, Chopra T, Pojer F, Fonti G, Dal Peraro M, Alonso S, Sauer U, Pethe K, McKinney JD. Nat Commun 7 12527 (2016)
  4. Functional relevance of dynamic properties of Dimeric NADP-dependent Isocitrate Dehydrogenases. Vinekar R, Verma C, Ghosh I. BMC Bioinformatics 13 Suppl 17 S2 (2012)
  5. EDD, a novel phosphotransferase domain common to mannose transporter EIIA, dihydroxyacetone kinase, and DegV. Kinch LN, Cheek S, Grishin NV. Protein Sci 14 360-367 (2005)
  6. Conformational transition paths harbor structures useful for aiding drug discovery and understanding enzymatic mechanisms in protein kinases. Wong CF. Protein Sci 25 192-203 (2016)
  7. From a dimer to a monomer: Construction of a chimeric monomeric isocitrate dehydrogenase. Tian C, Wen B, Bian M, Jin M, Wang P, Xu L, Zhu G. Protein Sci 30 2396-2407 (2021)
  8. Biochemical and Phylogenetic Characterization of a Novel NADP+-Specific Isocitrate Dehydrogenase From the Marine Microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Huang S, Zhao J, Li W, Wang P, Xue Z, Zhu G. Front Mol Biosci 8 702083 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

  1. Recent advances of IDH1 mutant inhibitor in cancer therapy. Tian W, Zhang W, Wang Y, Jin R, Wang Y, Guo H, Tang Y, Yao X. Front Pharmacol 13 982424 (2022)

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