Function and Biology

Structure of the Dimeric Lac Repressor with an 11-residue C-terminal Deletion.

Source organism: Escherichia coli
Biochemical function: identical protein binding
Biological process: negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription
Cellular component: cytosol

Sequence families

Pfam Protein families (Pfam)
Domain description: Periplasmic binding protein-like domain
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1jyf contains 1 copy of Pfam domain PF13377 (Periplasmic binding protein-like domain) in Lactose operon repressor. Showing 1 copy in chain A.

Domain description: Bacterial regulatory proteins, lacI family
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1jyf contains 1 copy of Pfam domain PF00356 (Bacterial regulatory proteins, lacI family) in Lactose operon repressor. Showing 1 copy in chain A (this domain is out of the observed residue ranges!).

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: LacI-type HTH domain
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
Domain description: Lambda repressor-like, DNA-binding domain superfamily
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
Domain description: Transcriptional regulator LacI/GalR-like, sensor domain
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
Domain description: Periplasmic binding protein-like I
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor

Structure domain

CATH CATH domain
Class: Alpha Beta
Architecture: 3-Layer(aba) Sandwich
Topology: Rossmann fold
Homology: Rossmann fold
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1jyf contains 2 copies of CATH domain (Rossmann fold) in Lactose operon repressor. Showing 2 copies in chain A.
SCOP SCOP annotation
Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b)
Fold: Periplasmic binding protein-like I
Superfamily: Periplasmic binding protein-like I
Occurring in:
  1. Lactose operon repressor
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1jyf contains 1 copy of SCOP domain 53823 (L-arabinose binding protein-like) in Lactose operon repressor. Showing 1 copy in chain A.