1l8b Citations

Biophysical studies of eIF4E cap-binding protein: recognition of mRNA 5' cap structure and synthetic fragments of eIF4G and 4E-BP1 proteins.


mRNA 5'-cap recognition by the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E has been exhaustively characterized with the aid of a novel fluorometric, time-synchronized titration method, and X-ray crystallography. The association constant values of recombinant eIF4E for 20 different cap analogues cover six orders of magnitude; with the highest affinity observed for m(7)GTP (approximately 1.1 x 10(8) M(-1)). The affinity of the cap analogues for eIF4E correlates with their ability to inhibit in vitro translation. The association constants yield contributions of non-covalent interactions involving single structural elements of the cap to the free energy of binding, giving a reliable starting point to rational drug design. The free energy of 7-methylguanine stacking and hydrogen bonding (-4.9 kcal/mol) is separate from the energies of phosphate chain interactions (-3.0, -1.9, -0.9 kcal/mol for alpha, beta, gamma phosphates, respectively), supporting two-step mechanism of the binding. The negatively charged phosphate groups of the cap act as a molecular anchor, enabling further formation of the intermolecular contacts within the cap-binding slot. Stabilization of the stacked Trp102/m(7)G/Trp56 configuration is a precondition to form three hydrogen bonds with Glu103 and Trp102. Electrostatically steered eIF4E-cap association is accompanied by additional hydration of the complex by approximately 65 water molecules, and by ionic equilibria shift. Temperature dependence reveals the enthalpy-driven and entropy-opposed character of the m(7)GTP-eIF4E binding, which results from dominant charge-related interactions (DeltaH degrees =-17.8 kcal/mol, DeltaS degrees= -23.6 cal/mol K). For recruitment of synthetic eIF4GI, eIF4GII, and 4E-BP1 peptides to eIF4E, all the association constants were approximately 10(7) M(-1), in decreasing order: eIF4GI>4E-BP1>eIF4GII approximately 4E-BP1(P-Ser65) approximately 4E-BP1(P-Ser65/Thr70). Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 at Ser65 and Thr70 is insufficient to prevent binding to eIF4E. Enhancement of the eIF4E affinity for cap occurs after binding to eIF4G peptides.

Reviews - 1l8b mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Regulation of mRNA translation by signaling pathways. Roux PP, Topisirovic I. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 4 a012252 (2012)
  2. Applications of Phosphate Modification and Labeling to Study (m)RNA Caps. Warminski M, Sikorski PJ, Kowalska J, Jemielity J. Top Curr Chem (Cham) 375 16 (2017)

Articles - 1l8b mentioned but not cited (17)

  1. Synthesis and characterization of mRNA cap analogs containing phosphorothioate substitutions that bind tightly to eIF4E and are resistant to the decapping pyrophosphatase DcpS. Kowalska J, Lewdorowicz M, Zuberek J, Grudzien-Nogalska E, Bojarska E, Stepinski J, Rhoads RE, Darzynkiewicz E, Davis RE, Jemielity J. RNA 14 1119-1131 (2008)
  2. The identity and methylation status of the first transcribed nucleotide in eukaryotic mRNA 5' cap modulates protein expression in living cells. Sikorski PJ, Warminski M, Kubacka D, Ratajczak T, Nowis D, Kowalska J, Jemielity J. Nucleic Acids Res 48 1607-1626 (2020)
  3. Structural basis for m7G-cap hypermethylation of small nuclear, small nucleolar and telomerase RNA by the dimethyltransferase TGS1. Monecke T, Dickmanns A, Ficner R. Nucleic Acids Res 37 3865-3877 (2009)
  4. The translational repressor 4E-BP called to order by eIF4E: new structural insights by SAXS. Gosselin P, Oulhen N, Jam M, Ronzca J, Cormier P, Czjzek M, Cosson B. Nucleic Acids Res 39 3496-3503 (2011)
  5. High affinity RNA for mammalian initiation factor 4E interferes with mRNA-cap binding and inhibits translation. Mochizuki K, Oguro A, Ohtsu T, Sonenberg N, Nakamura Y. RNA 11 77-89 (2005)
  6. The human Ago2 MC region does not contain an eIF4E-like mRNA cap binding motif. Kinch LN, Grishin NV. Biol Direct 4 2 (2009)
  7. mRNA cap analogues substituted in the tetraphosphate chain with CX2: identification of O-to-CCl2 as the first bridging modification that confers resistance to decapping without impairing translation. Rydzik AM, Warminski M, Sikorski PJ, Baranowski MR, Walczak S, Kowalska J, Zuberek J, Lukaszewicz M, Nowak E, W Claridge TD, Darzynkiewicz E, Nowotny M, Jemielity J. Nucleic Acids Res 45 8661-8675 (2017)
  8. The alveolate translation initiation factor 4E family reveals a custom toolkit for translational control in core dinoflagellates. Jones GD, Williams EP, Place AR, Jagus R, Bachvaroff TR. BMC Evol Biol 15 14 (2015)
  9. Distinct features of cap binding by eIF4E1b proteins. Kubacka D, Miguel RN, Minshall N, Darzynkiewicz E, Standart N, Zuberek J. J Mol Biol 427 387-405 (2015)
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  15. Computational study on the allosteric mechanism of Leishmania major IF4E-1 by 4E-interacting protein-1: Unravelling the determinants of m7GTP cap recognition. Hernández-Alvarez L, Oliveira AB, Hernández-González JE, Chahine J, Pascutti PG, de Araujo AS, de Souza FP. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 19 2027-2044 (2021)
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  17. Limited high-throughput screening compatibility of the phenuivirus cap-binding domain. Scherf J, Vogel D, Gul S, Reinshagen J, Gribbon P, Rosenthal M. Sci Rep 13 22820 (2023)

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