Reviews - 1lnw mentioned but not cited (2)
- Transcription factor-based biosensors enlightened by the analyte. Fernandez-López R, Ruiz R, de la Cruz F, Moncalián G. Front Microbiol 6 648 (2015)
- Functional Mechanism of the Efflux Pumps Transcription Regulators From Pseudomonas aeruginosa Based on 3D Structures. Housseini B Issa K, Phan G, Broutin I. Front Mol Biosci 5 57 (2018)
Articles - 1lnw mentioned but not cited (14)
Reviews citing this publication (16)
- Efflux-mediated drug resistance in bacteria. Li XZ, Nikaido H. Drugs 64 159-204 (2004)
- Coordination chemistry of bacterial metal transport and sensing. Ma Z, Jacobsen FE, Giedroc DP. Chem Rev 109 4644-4681 (2009)
- Regulation of bacterial drug export systems. Grkovic S, Brown MH, Skurray RA. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 66 671-701, table of contents (2002)
- Bacterial transcriptional regulators for degradation pathways of aromatic compounds. Tropel D, van der Meer JR. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 68 474-500, table of contents (2004)
- Regulation of virulence by members of the MarR/SlyA family. Ellison DW, Miller VL. Curr Opin Microbiol 9 153-159 (2006)
- Multidrug efflux pumps and resistance: regulation and evolution. Paulsen IT. Curr Opin Microbiol 6 446-451 (2003)
- MarR family transcription factors: dynamic variations on a common scaffold. Deochand DK, Grove A. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 52 595-613 (2017)
- Metallochaperones and metalloregulation in bacteria. Capdevila DA, Edmonds KA, Giedroc DP. Essays Biochem 61 177-200 (2017)
- Invasin and beyond: regulation of Yersinia virulence by RovA. Ellison DW, Lawrenz MB, Miller VL. Trends Microbiol 12 296-300 (2004)
- PerR vs OhrR: selective peroxide sensing in Bacillus subtilis. Duarte V, Latour JM. Mol Biosyst 6 316-323 (2010)
- The forgotten Gram-negative bacilli: what genetic determinants are telling us about the spread of antibiotic resistance. Gootz TD. Biochem Pharmacol 71 1073-1084 (2006)
- Virulence determinants involved in differential host niche adaptation of Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Schielke S, Frosch M, Kurzai O. Med Microbiol Immunol 199 185-196 (2010)
- MD recognition by MDR gene regulators. Wade H. Curr Opin Struct Biol 20 489-496 (2010)
- Aromatic metabolism versus carbon availability: the regulatory network that controls catabolism of less-preferred carbon sources in Escherichia coli. Prieto MA, Galán B, Torres B, Ferrández A, Fernández C, Miñambres B, García JL, Díaz E. FEMS Microbiol Rev 28 503-518 (2004)
- Strategic Moves of "Superbugs" Against Available Chemical Scaffolds: Signaling, Regulation, and Challenges. Baral B, Mozafari MR. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci 3 373-400 (2020)
- MarR family proteins sense sulfane sulfur in bacteria. Xuan G, Xun L, Xia Y. mLife 3 231-239 (2024)