1lul Citations

Carbohydrate binding, quaternary structure and a novel hydrophobic binding site in two legume lectin oligomers from Dolichos biflorus.

J Mol Biol 286 1161-77 (1999)
Related entries: 1bjq, 1lu1, 1lu2

Cited: 70 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 10047489


The seed lectin (DBL) from the leguminous plant Dolichos biflorus has a unique specificity among the members of the legume lectin family because of its high preference for GalNAc over Gal. In addition, precipitation of blood group A+H substance by DBL is slightly better inhibited by a blood group A trisaccharide (GalNAc(alpha1-3)[Fuc(alpha1-2)]Gal) containing pentasaccharide, and about 40 times better by the Forssman disaccharide (GalNAc(alpha1-3)GalNAc) than by GalNAc. We report the crystal structures of the DBL-blood group A trisaccharide complex and the DBL-Forssman disaccharide complex.A comparison with the binding sites of Gal-binding legume lectins indicates that the low affinity of DBL for Gal is due to the substitution of a conserved aromatic residue by an aliphatic residue (Leu127). Binding studies with a Leu127Phe mutant corroborate these conclusions. DBL has a higher affinity for GalNAc because the N-acetyl group compensates for the loss of aromatic stacking in DBL by making a hydrogen bond with the backbone amide group of Gly103 and a hydrophobic contact with the side-chains of Trp132 and Tyr104. Some legume lectins possess a hydrophobic binding site that binds adenine and adenine-derived plant hormones, i.e. cytokinins. The exact function of this binding site is unknown, but adenine/cytokinin-binding legume lectins might be involved in storage of plant hormones or plant growth regulation. The structures of DBL in complex with adenine and of the dimeric stem and leaf lectin (DB58) from the same plant provide the first structural data on these binding sites. Both oligomers possess an unusual architecture, featuring an alpha-helix sandwiched between two monomers. In both oligomers, this alpha-helix is directly involved in the formation of the hydrophobic binding site. DB58 adopts a novel quaternary structure, related to the quaternary structure of the DBL heterotetramer, and brings the number of know legume lectin dimer types to four.

Reviews - 1lul mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Research advances and prospects of legume lectins. Katoch R, Tripathi A. J Biosci 46 104 (2021)

Articles - 1lul mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a galactose-specific lectin from Dolichos lablab. Latha VL, Kulkarni KA, Rao RN, Kumar NS, Suguna K. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 62 163-165 (2006)
  2. Molecular modeling of lectin-like protein from Acacia farnesiana reveals a possible anti-inflammatory mechanism in Carrageenan-induced inflammation. Abrantes VE, Matias da Rocha BA, Batista da Nóbrega R, Silva-Filho JC, Teixeira CS, Cavada BS, Gadelha CA, Ferreira SH, Figueiredo JG, Santi-Gadelha T, Delatorre P. Biomed Res Int 2013 253483 (2013)

Reviews citing this publication (7)

  1. Lectins. Vijayan M, Chandra N. Curr Opin Struct Biol 9 707-714 (1999)
  2. Beyond carbohydrate binding: new directions in plant lectin research. Komath SS, Kavitha M, Swamy MJ. Org Biomol Chem 4 973-988 (2006)
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  4. Novel structures of plant lectins and their complexes with carbohydrates. Bouckaert J, Hamelryck T, Wyns L, Loris R. Curr Opin Struct Biol 9 572-577 (1999)
  5. Free and protein-bound carbohydrate structures. Jiménez-Barbero J, Asensio JL, Cañada FJ, Poveda A. Curr Opin Struct Biol 9 549-555 (1999)
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  7. Glycoscience@Synchrotron: Synchrotron radiation applied to structural glycoscience. Pérez S, de Sanctis D. Beilstein J Org Chem 13 1145-1167 (2017)

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