Function and Biology


Source organism: Methylococcus capsulatus
Biochemical function: methane monooxygenase [NAD(P)H] activity
Biological process: one-carbon metabolic process
Cellular component: not assigned

EC Methane monooxygenase (soluble)

Reaction catalysed:
Methane + NAD(P)H + O(2) = methanol + NAD(P)(+) + H(2)O
Systematic name:
Methane,NAD(P)H:oxygen oxidoreductase (hydroxylating)
Alternative Name(s):
  • Methane hydroxylase

GO terms

Biochemical function:
Biological process:
Cellular component:
  • not assigned

Sequence families

Pfam Protein families (Pfam)
Domain description: Methane/Phenol/Alkene Hydroxylase
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF02332 (Methane/Phenol/Alkene Hydroxylase) in Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain. Showing 1 copy in chain A [auth B].
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF02332 (Methane/Phenol/Alkene Hydroxylase) in Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain. Showing 1 copy in chain C [auth D].

Domain description: Methane monooxygenase, hydrolase gamma chain
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF02964 (Methane monooxygenase, hydrolase gamma chain) in Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain. Showing 1 copy in chain E [auth G].

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
Domain description: Propane/methane/phenol/toluene hydroxylase
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
Domain description: Methane/phenol monooxygenase, hydroxylase component
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
Domain description: Ferritin-like superfamily
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
Domain description: Ribonucleotide reductase-like
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
Domain description: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain, domain 2
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
Domain description: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain superfamily
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
Domain description: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain, domain 1
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain

Structure domains

CATH CATH domains
Class: Mainly Alpha
Architecture: Orthogonal Bundle
Topology: Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A
Homology: Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of CATH domain 1.10.620.20 (Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A) in Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain. Showing 1 copy in chain A [auth B].
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of CATH domain 1.10.620.20 (Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A) in Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain. Showing 1 copy in chain C [auth D].
Class: Mainly Alpha
Architecture: Up-down Bundle
Topology: Monooxygenase
Homology: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain, domain 2
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of CATH domain 1.20.1280.30 (Monooxygenase) in Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain. Showing 1 copy in chain E [auth G].
Class: Mainly Alpha
Architecture: Up-down Bundle
Topology: Monooxygenase
Homology: Methane monooxygenase, gamma chain, domain 1
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of CATH domain 1.20.1280.10 (Monooxygenase) in Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain. Showing 1 copy in chain E [auth G].
SCOP SCOP annotations
Class: All alpha proteins
Fold: Ferritin-like
Superfamily: Ferritin-like
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain
  2. Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of SCOP domain 47253 (Ribonucleotide reductase-like) in Methane monooxygenase component A beta chain. Showing 1 copy in chain A [auth B].
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of SCOP domain 47253 (Ribonucleotide reductase-like) in Methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain. Showing 1 copy in chain C [auth D].
Class: All alpha proteins
Fold: Open three-helical up-and-down bundle
Superfamily: Methane monooxygenase hydrolase, gamma subunit
Occurring in:
  1. Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain
The deposited structure of PDB entry 1mmo contains 2 copies of SCOP domain 47153 (Methane monooxygenase hydrolase, gamma subunit) in Methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain. Showing 1 copy in chain E [auth G].