1nk8 Citations

Structures of mismatch replication errors observed in a DNA polymerase.

Cell 116 803-16 (2004)
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Cited: 191 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15035983


Accurate DNA replication is essential for genomic stability. One mechanism by which high-fidelity DNA polymerases maintain replication accuracy involves stalling of the polymerase in response to covalent incorporation of mismatched base pairs, thereby favoring subsequent mismatch excision. Some polymerases retain a "short-term memory" of replication errors, responding to mismatches up to four base pairs in from the primer terminus. Here we a present a structural characterization of all 12 possible mismatches captured at the growing primer terminus in the active site of a polymerase. Our observations suggest four mechanisms that lead to mismatch-induced stalling of the polymerase. Furthermore, we have observed the effects of extending a mismatch up to six base pairs from the primer terminus and find that long-range distortions in the DNA transmit the presence of the mismatch back to the enzyme active site, suggesting the structural basis for the short-term memory of replication errors.

Reviews - 1nk8 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Duclauxin Derivatives From Fungi and Their Biological Activities. Shahid H, Cai T, Wang Y, Zheng C, Yang Y, Mao Z, Ding P, Shan T. Front Microbiol 12 766440 (2021)

Articles - 1nk8 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. DNA conformations and their sequence preferences. Svozil D, Kalina J, Omelka M, Schneider B. Nucleic Acids Res 36 3690-3706 (2008)

Reviews citing this publication (24)

  1. Structural insights into translational fidelity. Ogle JM, Ramakrishnan V. Annu Rev Biochem 74 129-177 (2005)
  2. The fidelity of DNA synthesis by eukaryotic replicative and translesion synthesis polymerases. McCulloch SD, Kunkel TA. Cell Res 18 148-161 (2008)
  3. DNA polymerases and human disease. Loeb LA, Monnat RJ. Nat Rev Genet 9 594-604 (2008)
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  7. DNA polymerase delta in DNA replication and genome maintenance. Prindle MJ, Loeb LA. Environ Mol Mutagen 53 666-682 (2012)
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  11. The difluorotoluene debate--a decade later. Kool ET, Sintim HO. Chem Commun (Camb) 3665-3675 (2006)
  12. Multi-template polymerase chain reaction. Kalle E, Kubista M, Rensing C. Biomol Detect Quantif 2 11-29 (2014)
  13. Bunyaviridae RdRps: structure, motifs, and RNA synthesis machinery. Amroun A, Priet S, de Lamballerie X, Quérat G. Crit Rev Microbiol 43 753-778 (2017)
  14. RB69 DNA polymerase structure, kinetics, and fidelity. Xia S, Konigsberg WH. Biochemistry 53 2752-2767 (2014)
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  24. Conformational Dynamics of DNA Polymerases Revealed at the Single-Molecule Level. Millar DP. Front Mol Biosci 9 826593 (2022)

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