1nmf Citations

Structure in solution of the major cold-shock protein from Bacillus subtilis.


The cold-shock domain (CSD) is found in many eukaryotic transcriptional factors and is responsible for the specific binding to DNA of a cis-element called the Y-box. The same domain exists in the sequence of the Xenopus RNA-binding proteins FRG Y1 and FRG Y2 (refs 1, 3). The major cold-shock proteins of Escherichia coli (CS7.4) and B. subtilis (CspB) have sequences that are more than 40 per cent identical to the cold-shock domain. We present here the three-dimensional structure of CspB determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The 67-residue protein consists of an antiparallel five-stranded beta-barrel with strands connected by turns and loops. The structure resembles that of staphylococcal nuclease and the gene-5 single-stranded-DNA-binding protein. A three-stranded beta-sheet, which contains the conserved RNA-binding motif RNP1 as well as a motif similar to RNP2 in two neighbouring antiparallel beta-strands, has basic and aromatic residues at its surface which could serve as a binding site for single-stranded DNA. CspB binds to single-stranded DNA in gel retardation experiments.

Articles - 1nmf mentioned but not cited (2)

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  2. Recognition of T-rich single-stranded DNA by the cold shock protein Bs-CspB in solution. Zeeb M, Max KE, Weininger U, Löw C, Sticht H, Balbach J. Nucleic Acids Res 34 4561-4571 (2006)

Reviews citing this publication (17)

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  2. Structural and functional properties of the evolutionarily ancient Y-box family of nucleic acid binding proteins. Wolffe AP. Bioessays 16 245-251 (1994)
  3. The CspA family in Escherichia coli: multiple gene duplication for stress adaptation. Yamanaka K, Fang L, Inouye M. Mol Microbiol 27 247-255 (1998)
  4. RNA recognition by RNP proteins during RNA processing. Varani G, Nagai K. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 27 407-445 (1998)
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  7. Bacterial cold shock responses. Weber MH, Marahiel MA. Sci Prog 86 9-75 (2003)
  8. RNA remodeling and gene regulation by cold shock proteins. Phadtare S, Severinov K. RNA Biol 7 788-795 (2010)
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  10. RNA binding strategies of ribosomal proteins. Draper DE, Reynaldo LP. Nucleic Acids Res 27 381-388 (1999)
  11. A case of convergent evolution of nucleic acid binding modules. Graumann P, Marahiel MA. Bioessays 18 309-315 (1996)
  12. Coping with the cold: the cold shock response in the Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Weber MH, Marahiel MA. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 357 895-907 (2002)
  13. Comparison of structure, function and regulation of plant cold shock domain proteins to bacterial and animal cold shock domain proteins. Chaikam V, Karlson DT. BMB Rep 43 1-8 (2010)
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