1po5 Citations

An open conformation of mammalian cytochrome P450 2B4 at 1.6-A resolution.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100 13196-201 (2003)
Cited: 229 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 14563924


The xenobiotic metabolizing cytochromes P450 (P450s) are among the most versatile biological catalysts known, but knowledge of the structural basis for their broad substrate specificity has been limited. P450 2B4 has been frequently used as an experimental model for biochemical and biophysical studies of these membrane proteins. A 1.6-A crystal structure of P450 2B4 reveals a large open cleft that extends from the protein surface directly to the heme iron between the alpha-helical and beta-sheet domains without perturbing the overall P450 fold. This cleft is primarily formed by helices B' to C and F to G. The conformation of these regions is dramatically different from that of the other structurally defined mammalian P450, 2C5/3LVdH, in which the F to G and B' to C regions encapsulate one side of the active site to produce a closed form of the enzyme. The open conformation of 2B4 is trapped by reversible formation of a homodimer in which the residues between helices F and G of one molecule partially fill the open cleft of a symmetry-related molecule, and an intermolecular coordinate bond occurs between H226 and the heme iron. This dimer is observed both in solution and in the crystal. Differences between the structures of 2C5 and 2B4 suggest that defined regions of xenobiotic metabolizing P450s may adopt a substantial range of energetically accessible conformations without perturbing the overall fold. This conformational flexibility is likely to facilitate substrate access, metabolic versatility, and product egress.

Reviews - 1po5 mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Structural features of cytochromes P450 and ligands that affect drug metabolism as revealed by X-ray crystallography and NMR. Gay SC, Roberts AG, Halpert JR. Future Med Chem 2 1451-1468 (2010)
  2. Plasticity of CYP2B enzymes: structural and solution biophysical methods. Wilderman PR, Halpert JR. Curr Drug Metab 13 167-176 (2012)
  3. CYP2J2 Molecular Recognition: A New Axis for Therapeutic Design. Das A, Weigle AT, Arnold WR, Kim JS, Carnevale LN, Huff HC. Pharmacol Ther 215 107601 (2020)
  4. Physical Studies of P450-P450 Interactions: Predicting Quaternary Structures of P450 Complexes in Membranes from Their X-ray Crystal Structures. Reed JR, Backes WL. Front Pharmacol 8 28 (2017)

Articles - 1po5 mentioned but not cited (29)

  1. Structural basis for ligand promiscuity in cytochrome P450 3A4. Ekroos M, Sjögren T. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 13682-13687 (2006)
  2. An open conformation of mammalian cytochrome P450 2B4 at 1.6-A resolution. Scott EE, He YA, Wester MR, White MA, Chin CC, Halpert JR, Johnson EF, Stout CD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100 13196-13201 (2003)
  3. Quantum mechanically derived AMBER-compatible heme parameters for various states of the cytochrome P450 catalytic cycle. Shahrokh K, Orendt A, Yost GS, Cheatham TE. J Comput Chem 33 119-133 (2012)
  4. Rapid and accurate prediction and scoring of water molecules in protein binding sites. Ross GA, Morris GM, Biggin PC. PLoS One 7 e32036 (2012)
  5. The role of hydrophobic interactions in positioning of peripheral proteins in membranes. Lomize AL, Pogozheva ID, Lomize MA, Mosberg HI. BMC Struct Biol 7 44 (2007)
  6. Crystal structure of a cytochrome P450 2B6 genetic variant in complex with the inhibitor 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole at 2.0-A resolution. Gay SC, Shah MB, Talakad JC, Maekawa K, Roberts AG, Wilderman PR, Sun L, Yang JY, Huelga SC, Hong WX, Zhang Q, Stout CD, Halpert JR. Mol Pharmacol 77 529-538 (2010)
  7. Conformational adaptation of human cytochrome P450 2B6 and rabbit cytochrome P450 2B4 revealed upon binding multiple amlodipine molecules. Shah MB, Wilderman PR, Pascual J, Zhang Q, Stout CD, Halpert JR. Biochemistry 51 7225-7238 (2012)
  8. Plasticity of cytochrome P450 2B4 as investigated by hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography. Wilderman PR, Shah MB, Liu T, Li S, Hsu S, Roberts AG, Goodlett DR, Zhang Q, Woods VL, Stout CD, Halpert JR. J Biol Chem 285 38602-38611 (2010)
  9. Crystal structures of cytochrome P450 2B4 in complex with the inhibitor 1-biphenyl-4-methyl-1H-imidazole: ligand-induced structural response through alpha-helical repositioning. Gay SC, Sun L, Maekawa K, Halpert JR, Stout CD. Biochemistry 48 4762-4771 (2009)
  10. Real-time ligand binding pocket database search using local surface descriptors. Chikhi R, Sael L, Kihara D. Proteins 78 2007-2028 (2010)
  11. Structural motif-based homology modeling of CYP27A1 and site-directed mutational analyses affecting vitamin D hydroxylation. Prosser DE, Guo Y, Jia Z, Jones G. Biophys J 90 3389-3409 (2006)
  12. Lecture Structure and function of cytochromes P450 2B: from mechanism-based inactivators to X-ray crystal structures and back. Halpert JR. Drug Metab Dispos 39 1113-1121 (2011)
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  26. Effect of detergent binding on cytochrome P450 2B4 structure as analyzed by X-ray crystallography and deuterium-exchange mass spectrometry. Shah MB, Jang HH, Wilderman PR, Lee D, Li S, Zhang Q, Stout CD, Halpert JR. Biophys Chem 216 1-8 (2016)
  27. Hole Hopping through Cytochrome P450. Sørensen MLH, Sanders BC, Hicks LP, Rasmussen MH, Vishart AL, Kongsted J, Winkler JR, Gray HB, Hansen T. J Phys Chem B 124 3065-3073 (2020)
  28. TransCent: computational enzyme design by transferring active sites and considering constraints relevant for catalysis. Fischer A, Enkler N, Neudert G, Bocola M, Sterner R, Merkl R. BMC Bioinformatics 10 54 (2009)
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