1r8q Citations

Structural snapshots of the mechanism and inhibition of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor.

Nature 426 525-30 (2003)
Related entries: 1r8m, 1r8s, 1s9d

Cited: 199 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 14654833


Small GTP-binding (G) proteins are activated by GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange stimulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Nucleotide dissociation from small G protein-GEF complexes involves transient GDP-bound intermediates whose structures have never been described. In the case of Arf proteins, small G proteins that regulate membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells, such intermediates can be trapped either by the natural inhibitor brefeldin A or by charge reversal at the catalytic glutamate of the Sec7 domain of their GEFs. Here we report the crystal structures of these intermediates that show that membrane recruitment of Arf and nucleotide dissociation are separate reactions stimulated by Sec7. The reactions proceed through sequential rotations of the Arf.GDP core towards the Sec7 catalytic site, and are blocked by interfacial binding of brefeldin A and unproductive stabilization of GDP by charge reversal. The structural characteristics of the reaction and its modes of inhibition reveal unexplored ways in which to inhibit the activation of small G proteins.

Reviews - 1r8q mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. In silico structure-based approaches to discover protein-protein interaction-targeting drugs. Shin WH, Christoffer CW, Kihara D. Methods 131 22-32 (2017)
  2. Structural Insights into the Regulation Mechanism of Small GTPases by GEFs. Toma-Fukai S, Shimizu T. Molecules 24 E3308 (2019)
  3. Binding of small molecules at interface of protein-protein complex - A newer approach to rational drug design. Gurung AB, Bhattacharjee A, Ajmal Ali M, Al-Hemaid F, Lee J. Saudi J Biol Sci 24 379-388 (2017)
  4. Protein-protein interfaces in molecular glue-induced ternary complexes: classification, characterization, and prediction. Rui H, Ashton KS, Min J, Wang C, Potts PR. RSC Chem Biol 4 192-215 (2023)
  5. Cross-Kingdom Activation of Vibrio Toxins by ADP-Ribosylation Factor Family GTPases. Herrera A, Satchell KJF. J Bacteriol 202 e00278-20 (2020)

Articles - 1r8q mentioned but not cited (15)

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  13. MicroED as a Powerful Tool for Structure Determination of Macrocyclic Drug Compounds Directly from Their Powder Formulations. Danelius E, Bu G, Wieske LHE, Gonen T. ACS Chem Biol 18 2582-2589 (2023)
  14. research-article MicroED as a powerful tool for structure determination of macrocyclic drug compounds directly from their powder formulations. Danelius E, Bu G, Wieske H, Gonen T. bioRxiv 2023.07.31.551405 (2023)
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