1rwm Citations

Structural analysis of caspase-1 inhibitors derived from Tethering.

Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 61 451-8 (2005)
Related entries: 1rwk, 1rwn, 1rwo, 1rwp

Cited: 11 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16511067


Caspase-1 is a key endopeptidase responsible for the post-translational processing of the IL-1beta and IL-18 cytokines and small-molecule inhibitors that modulate the activity of this enzyme are predicted to be important therapeutic treatments for many inflammatory diseases. A fragment-assembly approach, accompanied by structural analysis, was employed to generate caspase-1 inhibitors. With the aid of Tethering with extenders (small molecules that bind to the active-site cysteine and contain a free thiol), two novel fragments that bound to the active site and made a disulfide bond with the extender were identified by mass spectrometry. Direct linking of each fragment to the extender generated submicromolar reversible inhibitors that significantly reduced secretion of IL-1beta but not IL-6 from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Thus, Tethering with extenders facilitated rapid identification and synthesis of caspase-1 inhibitors with cell-based activity and subsequent structural analyses provided insights into the enzyme's ability to accommodate different inhibitor-binding modes in the active site.

Reviews - 1rwm mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. The protein structures that shape caspase activity, specificity, activation and inhibition. Fuentes-Prior P, Salvesen GS. Biochem J 384 201-232 (2004)

Articles - 1rwm mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. A highly potent and selective caspase 1 inhibitor that utilizes a key 3-cyanopropanoic acid moiety. Boxer MB, Quinn AM, Shen M, Jadhav A, Leister W, Simeonov A, Auld DS, Thomas CJ. ChemMedChem 5 730-738 (2010)
  2. Structural analysis of caspase-1 inhibitors derived from Tethering. O'Brien T, Fahr BT, Sopko MM, Lam JW, Waal ND, Raimundo BC, Purkey HE, Pham P, Romanowski MJ. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 61 451-458 (2005)
  3. CARDIO-PRED: an in silico tool for predicting cardiovascular-disorder associated proteins. Jain P, Thukral N, Gahlot LK, Hasija Y. Syst Synth Biol 9 55-66 (2015)

Reviews citing this publication (4)

  1. A decade of fragment-based drug design: strategic advances and lessons learned. Hajduk PJ, Greer J. Nat Rev Drug Discov 6 211-219 (2007)
  2. Small Molecule Active Site Directed Tools for Studying Human Caspases. Poreba M, Szalek A, Kasperkiewicz P, Rut W, Salvesen GS, Drag M. Chem Rev 115 12546-12629 (2015)
  3. Library screening by fragment-based docking. Huang D, Caflisch A. J Mol Recognit 23 183-193 (2010)
  4. Therapeutic approaches to preventing cell death in Huntington disease. Kaplan A, Stockwell BR. Prog Neurobiol 99 262-280 (2012)

Articles citing this publication (3)

  1. Naturally occurring genetic variants of human caspase-1 differ considerably in structure and the ability to activate interleukin-1β. Luksch H, Romanowski MJ, Chara O, Tüngler V, Caffarena ER, Heymann MC, Lohse P, Aksentijevich I, Remmers EF, Flecks S, Quoos N, Gramatté J, Petzold C, Hofmann SR, Winkler S, Pessler F, Kallinich T, Ganser G, Nimtz-Talaska A, Baumann U, Runde V, Grimbacher B, Birmelin J, Gahr M, Roesler J, Rösen-Wolff A. Hum Mutat 34 122-131 (2013)
  2. Tethering identifies fragment that yields potent inhibitors of human caspase-1. Fahr BT, O'Brien T, Pham P, Waal ND, Baskaran S, Raimundo BC, Lam JW, Sopko MM, Purkey HE, Romanowski MJ. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 16 559-562 (2006)
  3. Unveiling the Mechanistic Singularities of Caspases: A Computational Analysis of the Reaction Mechanism in Human Caspase-1. Ramos-Guzmán CA, Ruiz-Pernía JJ, Zinovjev K, Tuñón I. ACS Catal 13 4348-4361 (2023)