1t1c Citations

A structural pathway for signaling in the E46Q mutant of photoactive yellow protein.

Structure 13 55-63 (2005)
Related entries: 1t18, 1t19, 1t1a, 1t1b

Cited: 36 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15642261


In the bacterial photoreceptor photoactive yellow protein (PYP), absorption of blue light by its chromophore leads to a conformational change in the protein associated with differential signaling activity, as it executes a reversible photocycle. Time-resolved Laue crystallography allows structural snapshots (as short as 150 ps) of high crystallographic resolution (approximately 1.6 A) to be taken of a protein as it functions. Here, we analyze by singular value decomposition a comprehensive time-resolved crystallographic data set of the E46Q mutant of PYP throughout the photocycle spanning 10 ns-100 ms. We identify and refine the structures of five distinct intermediates and provide a plausible chemical kinetic mechanism for their inter conversion. A clear structural progression is visible in these intermediates, in which a signal generated at the chromophore propagates through a distinct structural pathway of conserved residues and results in structural changes near the N terminus, over 20 A distant from the chromophore.

Reviews - 1t1c mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. In-Memory Logic Operations and Neuromorphic Computing in Non-Volatile Random Access Memory. Ou QF, Xiong BS, Yu L, Wen J, Wang L, Tong Y. Materials (Basel) 13 E3532 (2020)

Articles - 1t1c mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. A 1T2C FeCAP-Based In-Situ Bitwise X(N)OR Logic Operation with Two-Step Write-Back Circuit for Accelerating Compute-In-Memory. Wang Q, Zhang D, Zhao Y, Liu C, Hu Q, Liu X, Yang J, Lv H. Micromachines (Basel) 12 385 (2021)
  2. A ferroelectric fin diode for robust non-volatile memory. Feng G, Zhu Q, Liu X, Chen L, Zhao X, Liu J, Xiong S, Shan K, Yang Z, Bao Q, Yue F, Peng H, Huang R, Tang X, Jiang J, Tang W, Guo X, Wang J, Jiang A, Dkhil B, Tian B, Chu J, Duan C. Nat Commun 15 513 (2024)
  3. Design and Simulation Analysis of a 3TnC MLC FeRAM Using a Nondestructive Readout and Offset-Canceled Sense Amplifier for High-Density Storage Applications. Peng B, Zhang D, Wang Z, Yang J. Micromachines (Basel) 14 1572 (2023)

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