Reviews - 1w7s mentioned but not cited (5)
- The fluorescent protein palette: tools for cellular imaging. Day RN, Davidson MW. Chem Soc Rev 38 2887-2921 (2009)
- Genetically encodable fluorescent biosensors for tracking signaling dynamics in living cells. Newman RH, Fosbrink MD, Zhang J. Chem Rev 111 3614-3666 (2011)
- Fluorescent proteins as biomarkers and biosensors: throwing color lights on molecular and cellular processes. Stepanenko OV, Verkhusha VV, Kuznetsova IM, Uversky VN, Turoverov KK. Curr Protein Pept Sci 9 338-369 (2008)
- Beta-barrel scaffold of fluorescent proteins: folding, stability and role in chromophore formation. Stepanenko OV, Stepanenko OV, Kuznetsova IM, Verkhusha VV, Turoverov KK. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 302 221-278 (2013)
- Biogenic Imaging Contrast Agents. Dan Q, Jiang X, Wang R, Dai Z, Sun D. Adv Sci (Weinh) 10 e2207090 (2023)
Articles - 1w7s mentioned but not cited (12)
- Direction of actin flow dictates integrin LFA-1 orientation during leukocyte migration. Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Mehta SB, Kalappurakkal JM, Swaminathan V, Koga N, Lambert TJ, Baker D, Waters JC, Oldenbourg R, Tani T, Mayor S, Waterman CM, Springer TA. Nat Commun 8 2047 (2017)
- Actin retrograde flow actively aligns and orients ligand-engaged integrins in focal adhesions. Swaminathan V, Kalappurakkal JM, Mehta SB, Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Koga N, Baker DA, Oldenbourg R, Tani T, Mayor S, Springer TA, Waterman CM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114 10648-10653 (2017)
- Anomalous negative fluorescence anisotropy in yellow fluorescent protein (YFP 10C): quantitative analysis of FRET in YFP dimers. Shi X, Basran J, Seward HE, Childs W, Bagshaw CR, Boxer SG. Biochemistry 46 14403-14417 (2007)
- Structural evidence for a dehydrated intermediate in green fluorescent protein chromophore biosynthesis. Pletneva NV, Pletnev VZ, Lukyanov KA, Gurskaya NG, Goryacheva EA, Martynov VI, Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Pletnev S. J Biol Chem 285 15978-15984 (2010)
- Balance between ultrafast parallel reactions in the green fluorescent protein has a structural origin. van Thor JJ, Ronayne KL, Towrie M, Sage JT. Biophys J 95 1902-1912 (2008)
- The single T65S mutation generates brighter cyan fluorescent proteins with increased photostability and pH insensitivity. Fredj A, Pasquier H, Demachy I, Jonasson G, Levy B, Derrien V, Bousmah Y, Manoussaris G, Wien F, Ridard J, Erard M, Merola F. PLoS One 7 e49149 (2012)
- Crystal structure of a novel domain of the motor subunit of the Type I restriction enzyme EcoR124 involved in complex assembly and DNA binding. Grinkevich P, Sinha D, Iermak I, Guzanova A, Weiserova M, Ludwig J, Mesters JR, Ettrich RH. J Biol Chem 293 15043-15054 (2018)
- Developing a rational approach to designing recombinant proteins for peptide-directed nanoparticle synthesis. Polasa A, Mosleh I, Losey J, Abbaspourrad A, Beitle R, Moradi M. Nanoscale Adv 4 3161-3171 (2022)
- Chromophore of an Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein Can Play a Photoprotective Role Due to Photobleaching. Krasowska J, Pierzchała K, Bzowska A, Forró L, Sienkiewicz A, Wielgus-Kutrowska B. Int J Mol Sci 22 8565 (2021)
- pHluorin-assisted expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction data analysis of the C-terminal domain of the HsdR subunit of the Escherichia coli type I restriction-modification system EcoR124I. Grinkevich P, Iermak I, Luedtke NA, Mesters JR, Ettrich R, Ludwig J. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 72 672-676 (2016)
Reviews citing this publication (4)
- Excited state reactions in fluorescent proteins. Meech SR. Chem Soc Rev 38 2922-2934 (2009)
- Photoreactions and dynamics of the green fluorescent protein. van Thor JJ. Chem Soc Rev 38 2935-2950 (2009)
- Structure, dynamics and optical properties of fluorescent proteins: perspectives for marker development. Nienhaus GU, Wiedenmann J. Chemphyschem 10 1369-1379 (2009)
- Photoactivated structural dynamics of fluorescent proteins. Bourgeois D, Regis-Faro A, Adam V. Biochem Soc Trans 40 531-538 (2012)
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- Stabilizing role of glutamic acid 222 in the structure of Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein. Royant A, Noirclerc-Savoye M. J Struct Biol 174 385-390 (2011)
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- Theoretical Computer-Aided Mutagenic Study on the Triple Green Fluorescent Protein Mutant S65T/H148D/Y145F. Armengol P, Gelabert R, Moreno M, Lluch JM. Chemphyschem 16 2134-2139 (2015)
- Power Density Titration of Reversible Photoisomerization of a Fluorescent Protein Chromophore in the Presence of Thermally Driven Barrier Crossing Shown by Quantitative Millisecond Serial Synchrotron X-ray Crystallography. Baxter JM, Hutchison CDM, Fadini A, Maghlaoui K, Cordon-Preciado V, Morgan RML, Agthe M, Horrell S, Tellkamp F, Mehrabi P, Pfeifer Y, Müller-Werkmeister HM, von Stetten D, Pearson AR, van Thor JJ. J Am Chem Soc (2024)