1wc0 Citations

Bicarbonate activation of adenylyl cyclase via promotion of catalytic active site closure and metal recruitment.

Nat Struct Mol Biol 12 32-7 (2005)
Related entries: 1wc1, 1wc3, 1wc4, 1wc5, 1wc6

Cited: 109 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15619637


In an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway, 'soluble' adenylyl cyclases (sACs) synthesize the ubiquitous second messenger cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in response to bicarbonate and calcium signals. Here, we present crystal structures of a cyanobacterial sAC enzyme in complex with ATP analogs, calcium and bicarbonate, which represent distinct catalytic states of the enzyme. The structures reveal that calcium occupies the first ion-binding site and directly mediates nucleotide binding. The single ion-occupied, nucleotide-bound state defines a novel, open adenylyl cyclase state. In contrast, bicarbonate increases the catalytic rate by inducing marked active site closure and recruiting a second, catalytic ion. The phosphates of the bound substrate analogs are rearranged, which would facilitate product formation and release. The mechanisms of calcium and bicarbonate sensing define a reaction pathway involving active site closure and metal recruitment that may be universal for class III cyclases.

Articles - 1wc0 mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Bicarbonate activation of adenylyl cyclase via promotion of catalytic active site closure and metal recruitment. Steegborn C, Litvin TN, Levin LR, Buck J, Wu H. Nat Struct Mol Biol 12 32-37 (2005)
  2. CO(2) acts as a signalling molecule in populations of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Hall RA, De Sordi L, Maccallum DM, Topal H, Eaton R, Bloor JW, Robinson GK, Levin LR, Buck J, Wang Y, Gow NA, Steegborn C, Mühlschlegel FA. PLoS Pathog 6 e1001193 (2010)
  3. Crystal structure and regulation mechanisms of the CyaB adenylyl cyclase from the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Topal H, Fulcher NB, Bitterman J, Salazar E, Buck J, Levin LR, Cann MJ, Wolfgang MC, Steegborn C. J Mol Biol 416 271-286 (2012)
  4. Crystal structure of human soluble adenylate cyclase reveals a distinct, highly flexible allosteric bicarbonate binding pocket. Saalau-Bethell SM, Berdini V, Cleasby A, Congreve M, Coyle JE, Lock V, Murray CW, O'Brien MA, Rich SJ, Sambrook T, Vinkovic M, Yon JR, Jhoti H. ChemMedChem 9 823-832 (2014)

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