Reviews - 1xep mentioned but not cited (2)
- Predicting Binding Free Energies: Frontiers and Benchmarks. Mobley DL, Gilson MK. Annu Rev Biophys 46 531-558 (2017)
- Statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics in evaluating thermodynamic properties of biomolecular recognition. Wereszczynski J, McCammon JA. Q Rev Biophys 45 1-25 (2012)
Articles - 1xep mentioned but not cited (3)
- On the use of orientational restraints and symmetry corrections in alchemical free energy calculations. Mobley DL, Chodera JD, Dill KA. J Chem Phys 125 084902 (2006)
- Predicting ligand binding affinity with alchemical free energy methods in a polar model binding site. Boyce SE, Mobley DL, Rocklin GJ, Graves AP, Dill KA, Shoichet BK. J Mol Biol 394 747-763 (2009)
- Decoys for docking. Graves AP, Brenk R, Shoichet BK. J Med Chem 48 3714-3728 (2005)
Reviews citing this publication (7)
- Binding of small-molecule ligands to proteins: "what you see" is not always "what you get". Mobley DL, Dill KA. Structure 17 489-498 (2009)
- Virtual ligand screening: strategies, perspectives and limitations. Klebe G. Drug Discov Today 11 580-594 (2006)
- Alchemical free energy methods for drug discovery: progress and challenges. Chodera JD, Mobley DL, Shirts MR, Dixon RW, Branson K, Pande VS. Curr Opin Struct Biol 21 150-160 (2011)
- Community benchmarks for virtual screening. Irwin JJ. J Comput Aided Mol Des 22 193-199 (2008)
- Docking screens: right for the right reasons? Kolb P, Irwin JJ. Curr Top Med Chem 9 755-770 (2009)
- Recent theoretical and computational advances for modeling protein-ligand binding affinities. Gallicchio E, Levy RM. Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol 85 27-80 (2011)
- Computational Modeling as a Tool to Investigate PPI: From Drug Design to Tissue Engineering. Perez JJ, Perez RA, Perez A. Front Mol Biosci 8 681617 (2021)
Articles citing this publication (36)
- Directory of useful decoys, enhanced (DUD-E): better ligands and decoys for better benchmarking. Mysinger MM, Carchia M, Irwin JJ, Shoichet BK. J Med Chem 55 6582-6594 (2012)
- Benchmarking sets for molecular docking. Huang N, Shoichet BK, Irwin JJ. J Med Chem 49 6789-6801 (2006)
- DOCK 6: Impact of new features and current docking performance. Allen WJ, Balius TE, Mukherjee S, Brozell SR, Moustakas DT, Lang PT, Case DA, Kuntz ID, Rizzo RC. J Comput Chem 36 1132-1156 (2015)
- Predicting absolute ligand binding free energies to a simple model site. Mobley DL, Graves AP, Chodera JD, McReynolds AC, Shoichet BK, Dill KA. J Mol Biol 371 1118-1134 (2007)
- Automated docking screens: a feasibility study. Irwin JJ, Shoichet BK, Mysinger MM, Huang N, Colizzi F, Wassam P, Cao Y. J Med Chem 52 5712-5720 (2009)
- Perspective: Alchemical free energy calculations for drug discovery. Mobley DL, Klimovich PV. J Chem Phys 137 230901 (2012)
- Rescoring docking hit lists for model cavity sites: predictions and experimental testing. Graves AP, Shivakumar DM, Boyce SE, Jacobson MP, Case DA, Shoichet BK. J Mol Biol 377 914-934 (2008)
- The Binding Energy Distribution Analysis Method (BEDAM) for the Estimation of Protein-Ligand Binding Affinities. Gallicchio E, Lapelosa M, Levy RM. J Chem Theory Comput 6 2961-2977 (2010)
- Identifying ligand binding sites and poses using GPU-accelerated Hamiltonian replica exchange molecular dynamics. Wang K, Chodera JD, Yang Y, Shirts MR. J Comput Aided Mol Des 27 989-1007 (2013)
- Probing molecular docking in a charged model binding site. Brenk R, Vetter SW, Boyce SE, Goodin DB, Shoichet BK. J Mol Biol 357 1449-1470 (2006)
- Sensitivity in Binding Free Energies Due to Protein Reorganization. Lim NM, Wang L, Abel R, Mobley DL. J Chem Theory Comput 12 4620-4631 (2016)
- Statistical potential for modeling and ranking of protein-ligand interactions. Fan H, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Irwin JJ, Dong G, Shoichet BK, Sali A. J Chem Inf Model 51 3078-3092 (2011)
- Relative Binding Free Energy Calculations Applied to Protein Homology Models. Cappel D, Hall ML, Lenselink EB, Beuming T, Qi J, Bradner J, Sherman W. J Chem Inf Model 56 2388-2400 (2016)
- Minimizing false positives in kinase virtual screens. Perola E. Proteins 64 422-435 (2006)
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- Identification of xenoestrogens in food additives by an integrated in silico and in vitro approach. Amadasi A, Mozzarelli A, Meda C, Maggi A, Cozzini P. Chem Res Toxicol 22 52-63 (2009)
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- Roles for ordered and bulk solvent in ligand recognition and docking in two related cavities. Barelier S, Boyce SE, Fish I, Fischer M, Goodin DB, Shoichet BK. PLoS One 8 e69153 (2013)
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