1ya7 Citations

The 1.9 A structure of a proteasome-11S activator complex and implications for proteasome-PAN/PA700 interactions.

Mol Cell 18 589-99 (2005)
Related entries: 1yar, 1yau, 1z7q

Cited: 148 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15916965


Proteasomes are cylindrical structures that function in multiple cellular processes by degrading a wide variety of cytosolic and nuclear proteins. Substrate access and product release from the enclosed catalytic chamber occurs through axial pores that are opened by activator complexes. Here, we report high-resolution structures of wild-type and mutant archaeal proteasomes bound to the activator PA26. These structures support the proposal that an ordered open conformation is required for proteolysis and that its formation can be triggered by outward displacement of surrounding residues. The structures and associated biochemical assays reveal the mechanism of binding, which involves an interaction between the PA26 C terminus and a conserved lysine. Surprisingly, biochemical observations implicate an equivalent interaction for the unrelated ATP-dependent activators PAN and PA700.

Reviews - 1ya7 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Toward an atomic model of the 26S proteasome. Cheng Y. Curr Opin Struct Biol 19 203-208 (2009)

Articles - 1ya7 mentioned but not cited (12)

  1. The RCSB Protein Data Bank: views of structural biology for basic and applied research and education. Rose PW, Prlić A, Bi C, Bluhm WF, Christie CH, Dutta S, Green RK, Goodsell DS, Westbrook JD, Woo J, Young J, Zardecki C, Berman HM, Bourne PE, Burley SK. Nucleic Acids Res 43 D345-56 (2015)
  2. Mechanism of gate opening in the 20S proteasome by the proteasomal ATPases. Rabl J, Smith DM, Yu Y, Chang SC, Goldberg AL, Cheng Y. Mol Cell 30 360-368 (2008)
  3. Interactions of PAN's C-termini with archaeal 20S proteasome and implications for the eukaryotic proteasome-ATPase interactions. Yu Y, Smith DM, Kim HM, Rodriguez V, Goldberg AL, Cheng Y. EMBO J 29 692-702 (2010)
  4. Architecture and assembly of the archaeal Cdc48*20S proteasome. Barthelme D, Chen JZ, Grabenstatter J, Baker TA, Sauer RT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 E1687-94 (2014)
  5. Accurate protein structure modeling using sparse NMR data and homologous structure information. Thompson JM, Sgourakis NG, Liu G, Rossi P, Tang Y, Mills JL, Szyperski T, Montelione GT, Baker D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 9875-9880 (2012)
  6. Understanding the mechanism of proteasome 20S core particle gating. Latham MP, Sekhar A, Kay LE. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 5532-5537 (2014)
  7. Bottom-up fabrication of a proteasome-nanopore that unravels and processes single proteins. Zhang S, Huang G, Versloot RCA, Bruininks BMH, de Souza PCT, Marrink SJ, Maglia G. Nat Chem 13 1192-1199 (2021)
  8. Probing the cooperativity of Thermoplasma acidophilum proteasome core particle gating by NMR spectroscopy. Huang R, Pérez F, Kay LE. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114 E9846-E9854 (2017)
  9. Exploring long-range cooperativity in the 20S proteasome core particle from Thermoplasma acidophilum using methyl-TROSY-based NMR. Rennella E, Huang R, Yu Z, Kay LE. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117 5298-5309 (2020)
  10. The YΦ motif defines the structure-activity relationships of human 20S proteasome activators. Opoku-Nsiah KA, de la Pena AH, Williams SK, Chopra N, Sali A, Lander GC, Gestwicki JE. Nat Commun 13 1226 (2022)
  11. Probing allosteric interactions in homo-oligomeric molecular machines using solution NMR spectroscopy. Toyama Y, Kay LE. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 e2116325118 (2021)
  12. research-article Minimal mechanistic component of HbYX-dependent proteasome activation. Chuah JJ, Thibaudeau TA, Rexroad MS, Smith DM. Res Sq rs.3.rs-2496767 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (36)

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  3. The ubiquitin-proteasome system. Nandi D, Tahiliani P, Kumar A, Chandu D. J Biosci 31 137-155 (2006)
  4. The proteasome: overview of structure and functions. Tanaka K. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci 85 12-36 (2009)
  5. Regulation of proteasome activity in health and disease. Schmidt M, Finley D. Biochim Biophys Acta 1843 13-25 (2014)
  6. Molecular architecture and assembly of the eukaryotic proteasome. Tomko RJ, Hochstrasser M. Annu Rev Biochem 82 415-445 (2013)
  7. Proteasome activators. Stadtmueller BM, Hill CP. Mol Cell 41 8-19 (2011)
  8. Regulated protein turnover: snapshots of the proteasome in action. Bhattacharyya S, Yu H, Mim C, Matouschek A. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 15 122-133 (2014)
  9. Structural biology of the proteasome. Kish-Trier E, Hill CP. Annu Rev Biophys 42 29-49 (2013)
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  11. Bringing dynamic molecular machines into focus by methyl-TROSY NMR. Rosenzweig R, Kay LE. Annu Rev Biochem 83 291-315 (2014)
  12. Methyl groups as probes of supra-molecular structure, dynamics and function. Ruschak AM, Kay LE. J Biomol NMR 46 75-87 (2010)
  13. Proteasome deubiquitinases as novel targets for cancer therapy. D'Arcy P, Linder S. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 44 1729-1738 (2012)
  14. Proteasomes and their associated ATPases: a destructive combination. Smith DM, Benaroudj N, Goldberg A. J Struct Biol 156 72-83 (2006)
  15. PA28αβ: the enigmatic magic ring of the proteasome? Cascio P. Biomolecules 4 566-584 (2014)
  16. Structure characterization of the 26S proteasome. Kim HM, Yu Y, Cheng Y. Biochim Biophys Acta 1809 67-79 (2011)
  17. Assembly of the 20S proteasome. Kunjappu MJ, Hochstrasser M. Biochim Biophys Acta 1843 2-12 (2014)
  18. The RNA exosome and proteasome: common principles of degradation control. Makino DL, Halbach F, Conti E. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14 654-660 (2013)
  19. Oxidative protein damage and the proteasome. Grimm S, Höhn A, Grune T. Amino Acids 42 23-38 (2012)
  20. The structural dynamics of macromolecular processes. Russel D, Lasker K, Phillips J, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Velázquez-Muriel JA, Sali A. Curr Opin Cell Biol 21 97-108 (2009)
  21. Misfolded PrP and a novel mechanism of proteasome inhibition. Andre R, Tabrizi SJ. Prion 6 32-36 (2012)
  22. Proteasome activator 200: the heat is on... Savulescu AF, Glickman MH. Mol Cell Proteomics 10 R110.006890 (2011)
  23. Aim for the core: suitability of the ubiquitin-independent 20S proteasome as a drug target in neurodegeneration. Opoku-Nsiah KA, Gestwicki JE. Transl Res 198 48-57 (2018)
  24. NMR Methods to Study Dynamic Allostery. Grutsch S, Brüschweiler S, Tollinger M. PLoS Comput Biol 12 e1004620 (2016)
  25. Assembly manual for the proteasome regulatory particle: the first draft. Park S, Tian G, Roelofs J, Finley D. Biochem Soc Trans 38 6-13 (2010)
  26. Chaperones and chaperone-substrate complexes: Dynamic playgrounds for NMR spectroscopists. Burmann BM, Hiller S. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 86-87 41-64 (2015)
  27. Effects of ethanol on the proteasome interacting proteins. Bardag-Gorce F. World J Gastroenterol 16 1349-1357 (2010)
  28. Precise assembly and regulation of 26S proteasome and correlation between proteasome dysfunction and neurodegenerative diseases. Im E, Chung KC. BMB Rep 49 459-473 (2016)
  29. Harnessing proteasome dynamics and allostery in drug design. Gaczynska M, Osmulski PA. Antioxid Redox Signal 21 2286-2301 (2014)
  30. PA28γ: New Insights on an Ancient Proteasome Activator. Cascio P. Biomolecules 11 228 (2021)
  31. Proteasome Activation to Combat Proteotoxicity. Jones CL, Tepe JJ. Molecules 24 E2841 (2019)
  32. Archaeal proteasomes and sampylation. Maupin-Furlow JA. Subcell Biochem 66 297-327 (2013)
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  34. Regulation of proteasomes in prion disease. Zhu T, Hayat Khan S, Zhao D, Yang L. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 46 531-539 (2014)
  35. Highbrow proteasome in high-throughput technology. Gaczynska M, Rodriguez K, Madabhushi S, Osmulski PA. Expert Rev Proteomics 3 115-127 (2006)
  36. Structure, Function, and Allosteric Regulation of the 20S Proteasome by the 11S/PA28 Family of Proteasome Activators. Thomas T, Salcedo-Tacuma D, Smith DM. Biomolecules 13 1326 (2023)

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