Reviews - 1zby mentioned but not cited (1)
- Designing Artificial Metalloenzymes by Tuning of the Environment beyond the Primary Coordination Sphere. Van Stappen C, Deng Y, Liu Y, Heidari H, Wang JX, Zhou Y, Ledray AP, Lu Y. Chem Rev 122 11974-12045 (2022)
Articles - 1zby mentioned but not cited (12)
- Solution structure and dynamics of the complex between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase determined by paramagnetic NMR. Volkov AN, Worrall JA, Holtzmann E, Ubbink M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 18945-18950 (2006)
- Nature of the ferryl heme in compounds I and II. Gumiero A, Metcalfe CL, Pearson AR, Raven EL, Moody PC. J Biol Chem 286 1260-1268 (2011)
- Respiration triggers heme transfer from cytochrome c peroxidase to catalase in yeast mitochondria. Kathiresan M, Martins D, English AM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 17468-17473 (2014)
- Mapping hole hopping escape routes in proteins. Teo RD, Wang R, Smithwick ER, Migliore A, Therien MJ, Beratan DN. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116 15811-15816 (2019)
- LC-MS/MS suggests that hole hopping in cytochrome c peroxidase protects its heme from oxidative modification by excess H2O2. Kathiresan M, English AM. Chem Sci 8 1152-1162 (2017)
- Replacement of an electron transfer pathway in cytochrome c peroxidase with a surrogate peptide. Hays Putnam AM, Lee YT, Goodin DB. Biochemistry 48 1-3 (2009)
- Rewiring the "Push-Pull" Catalytic Machinery of a Heme Enzyme Using an Expanded Genetic Code. Ortmayer M, Fisher K, Basran J, Wolde-Michael EM, Heyes DJ, Levy C, Lovelock SL, Anderson JLR, Raven EL, Hay S, Rigby SEJ, Green AP. ACS Catal 10 2735-2746 (2020)
- On the Track of Long-Range Electron Transfer in B-Type Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidases: Identification of a Tyrosyl Radical by Computational Prediction and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Nys K, Furtmüller PG, Obinger C, Van Doorslaer S, Pfanzagl V. Biochemistry 60 1226-1241 (2021)
- A Binuclear CuA Center Designed in an All α-Helical Protein Scaffold. Mirts EN, Dikanov SA, Jose A, Solomon EI, Lu Y. J Am Chem Soc 142 13779-13794 (2020)
- Weak self-association of cytochrome c peroxidase molecules observed by paramagnetic NMR. Schilder J, Ubbink M. J Biomol NMR 65 29-40 (2016)
- Engineering mutually orthogonal PylRS/tRNA pairs for dual encoding of functional histidine analogues. Taylor CJ, Hardy FJ, Burke AJ, Bednar RM, Mehl RA, Green AP, Lovelock SL. Protein Sci 32 e4640 (2023)
- Crystal structure of Trypanosoma cruzi heme peroxidase and characterization of its substrate specificity and compound I intermediate. Freeman SL, Skafar V, Kwon H, Fielding AJ, Moody PCE, Martínez A, Issoglio FM, Inchausti L, Smircich P, Zeida A, Piacenza L, Radi R, Raven EL. J Biol Chem 298 102204 (2022)
Reviews citing this publication (9)
- Heme enzyme structure and function. Poulos TL. Chem Rev 114 3919-3962 (2014)
- Oxygen Activation and Radical Transformations in Heme Proteins and Metalloporphyrins. Huang X, Groves JT. Chem Rev 118 2491-2553 (2018)
- On the status of ferryl protonation. Behan RK, Green MT. J Inorg Biochem 100 448-459 (2006)
- Structures of the high-valent metal-ion haem-oxygen intermediates in peroxidases, oxygenases and catalases. Hersleth HP, Ryde U, Rydberg P, Görbitz CH, Andersson KK. J Inorg Biochem 100 460-476 (2006)
- Thirty years of heme peroxidase structural biology. Poulos TL. Arch Biochem Biophys 500 3-12 (2010)
- Synthetic Fe/Cu Complexes: Toward Understanding Heme-Copper Oxidase Structure and Function. Adam SM, Wijeratne GB, Rogler PJ, Diaz DE, Quist DA, Liu JJ, Karlin KD. Chem Rev 118 10840-11022 (2018)
- A new look at the role of thiolate ligation in cytochrome P450. Yosca TH, Ledray AP, Ngo J, Green MT. J Biol Inorg Chem 22 209-220 (2017)
- The reaction mechanisms of heme catalases: an atomistic view by ab initio molecular dynamics. Alfonso-Prieto M, Vidossich P, Rovira C. Arch Biochem Biophys 525 121-130 (2012)
- The influence of X-rays on the structural studies of peroxide-derived myoglobin intermediates. Hersleth HP, Hsiao YW, Ryde U, Görbitz CH, Andersson KK. Chem Biodivers 5 2067-2089 (2008)
Articles citing this publication (56)
- Role of the secondary coordination sphere in metal-mediated dioxygen activation. Shook RL, Borovik AS. Inorg Chem 49 3646-3660 (2010)
- Resonance Raman spectroscopy of chloroperoxidase compound II provides direct evidence for the existence of an iron(IV)-hydroxide. Stone KL, Behan RK, Green MT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 12307-12310 (2006)
- Release of Cytochrome C from Bax Pores at the Mitochondrial Membrane. Zhang M, Zheng J, Nussinov R, Ma B. Sci Rep 7 2635 (2017)
- Crystallographic and single-crystal spectral analysis of the peroxidase ferryl intermediate. Meharenna YT, Doukov T, Li H, Soltis SM, Poulos TL. Biochemistry 49 2984-2986 (2010)
- Mechanism of and exquisite selectivity for O-O bond formation by the heme-dependent chlorite dismutase. Lee AQ, Streit BR, Zdilla MJ, Abu-Omar MM, DuBois JL. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 15654-15659 (2008)
- Structural features promoting dioxygen production by Dechloromonas aromatica chlorite dismutase. Goblirsch BR, Streit BR, Dubois JL, Wilmot CM. J Biol Inorg Chem 15 879-888 (2010)
- Crystal structure of the pristine peroxidase ferryl center and its relevance to proton-coupled electron transfer. Chreifi G, Baxter EL, Doukov T, Cohen AE, McPhillips SE, Song J, Meharenna YT, Soltis SM, Poulos TL. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113 1226-1231 (2016)
- Resonance Raman spectroscopy of oxoiron(IV) porphyrin pi-cation radical and oxoiron(IV) hemes in peroxidase intermediates. Terner J, Palaniappan V, Gold A, Weiss R, Fitzgerald MM, Sullivan AM, Hosten CM. J Inorg Biochem 100 480-501 (2006)
- Ferryl haem protonation gates peroxidatic reactivity in globins. Silaghi-Dumitrescu R, Reeder BJ, Nicholls P, Cooper CE, Wilson MT. Biochem J 403 391-395 (2007)
- Understanding how the distal environment directs reactivity in chlorite dismutase: spectroscopy and reactivity of Arg183 mutants. Blanc B, Mayfield JA, McDonald CA, Lukat-Rodgers GS, Rodgers KR, DuBois JL. Biochemistry 51 1895-1910 (2012)
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- Electron paramagnetic resonance and Mössbauer spectroscopy of intact mitochondria from respiring Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hudder BN, Morales JG, Stubna A, Münck E, Hendrich MP, Lindahl PA. J Biol Inorg Chem 12 1029-1053 (2007)
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- X-ray absorption spectroscopic characterization of a cytochrome P450 compound II derivative. Newcomb M, Halgrimson JA, Horner JH, Wasinger EC, Chen LX, Sligar SG. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 8179-8184 (2008)
- Crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of peroxide-derived myoglobin compound II and occurrence of protonated FeIV O. Hersleth HP, Uchida T, Røhr AK, Teschner T, Schünemann V, Kitagawa T, Trautwein AX, Görbitz CH, Andersson KK. J Biol Chem 282 23372-23386 (2007)
- The protonation status of compound II in myoglobin, studied by a combination of experimental data and quantum chemical calculations: quantum refinement. Nilsson K, Hersleth HP, Rod TH, Andersson KK, Ryde U. Biophys J 87 3437-3447 (2004)
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- A dimeric chlorite dismutase exhibits O2-generating activity and acts as a chlorite antioxidant in Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578. Celis AI, Geeraerts Z, Ngmenterebo D, Machovina MM, Kurker RC, Rajakumar K, Ivancich A, Rodgers KR, Lukat-Rodgers GS, DuBois JL. Biochemistry 54 434-446 (2015)
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- Lessons from nature: unraveling biological CH bond activation. Stone KL, Borovik AS. Curr Opin Chem Biol 13 114-118 (2009)
- Modulation of function in a minimalist heme-binding membrane protein. Shinde S, Cordova JM, Woodrum BW, Ghirlanda G. J Biol Inorg Chem 17 557-564 (2012)
- The nature of the high-valent complexes in the catalytic cycles of hemoproteins. Silaghi-Dumitrescu R. J Biol Inorg Chem 9 471-476 (2004)
- Engineering ascorbate peroxidase activity into cytochrome c peroxidase. Meharenna YT, Oertel P, Bhaskar B, Poulos TL. Biochemistry 47 10324-10332 (2008)
- Serial Femtosecond Zero Dose Crystallography Captures a Water-Free Distal Heme Site in a Dye-Decolorising Peroxidase to Reveal a Catalytic Role for an Arginine in FeIV =O Formation. Lučić M, Svistunenko DA, Wilson MT, Chaplin AK, Davy B, Ebrahim A, Axford D, Tosha T, Sugimoto H, Owada S, Dworkowski FSN, Tews I, Owen RL, Hough MA, Worrall JAR. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 59 21656-21662 (2020)
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- A structural and dynamic investigation of the inhibition of catalase by nitric oxide. Candelaresi M, Gumiero A, Adamczyk K, Robb K, Bellota-Antón C, Sangal V, Munnoch J, Greetham GM, Towrie M, Hoskisson PA, Parker AW, Tucker NP, Walsh MA, Hunt NT. Org Biomol Chem 11 7778-7788 (2013)
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- Combining X-ray and neutron crystallography with spectroscopy. Kwon H, Smith O, Raven EL, Moody PC. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 73 141-147 (2017)
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- Protein docking using an ensemble of spin labels optimized by intra-molecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement. Schilder J, Liu WM, Kumar P, Overhand M, Huber M, Ubbink M. Phys Chem Chem Phys 18 5729-5742 (2016)
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- Common Reactivity and Properties of Heme Peroxidases: A DFT Study of Their Origin. Ramos DR, Furtmüller PG, Obinger C, Peña-Gallego Á, Pérez-Juste I, Santaballa JA. Antioxidants (Basel) 12 303 (2023)
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- Effect of distal His mutation on the peroxynitrite reactivity of Leishmania major peroxidase. Saha R, Bose M, Santara SS, Roy J, Yadav RK, Adak S. Biochim Biophys Acta 1834 2057-2063 (2013)
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