2a6q Citations

Conformational change in the catalytic site of the ribonuclease YoeB toxin by YefM antitoxin.

Mol Cell 19 497-509 (2005)
Related entries: 2a6r, 2a6s

Cited: 139 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16109374


The eubacterial chromosome encodes various addiction modules that control global levels of translation through RNA degradation. Crystal structures of the Escherichia coli YefM2 (antitoxin)-YoeB (toxin) complex and the free YoeB toxin have been determined. The structure of the heterotrimeric complex reveals an asymmetric disorder-to-order recognition strategy, in which one C terminus of the YefM homodimer exclusively interacts with an atypical microbial ribonuclease (RNase) fold of YoeB. Comparison with the YefM-free YoeB structure indicates a conformational rearrangement of the RNase catalytic site of YoeB, induced by interaction with YefM. Complementary biochemical experiments demonstrate that the YoeB toxin has an in vitro RNase activity that preferentially cleaves at the 3' end of purine ribonucleotides.

Reviews - 2a6q mentioned but not cited (5)

Articles - 2a6q mentioned but not cited (10)

  1. Three dimensional structure of the MqsR:MqsA complex: a novel TA pair comprised of a toxin homologous to RelE and an antitoxin with unique properties. Brown BL, Grigoriu S, Kim Y, Arruda JM, Davenport A, Wood TK, Peti W, Page R. PLoS Pathog 5 e1000706 (2009)
  2. The yefM-yoeB toxin-antitoxin systems of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae: functional and structural correlation. Nieto C, Cherny I, Khoo SK, de Lacoba MG, Chan WT, Yeo CC, Gazit E, Espinosa M. J Bacteriol 189 1266-1278 (2007)
  3. Structure of the Proteus vulgaris HigB-(HigA)2-HigB toxin-antitoxin complex. Schureck MA, Maehigashi T, Miles SJ, Marquez J, Cho SE, Erdman R, Dunham CM. J Biol Chem 289 1060-1070 (2014)
  4. Crystal structures of Phd-Doc, HigA, and YeeU establish multiple evolutionary links between microbial growth-regulating toxin-antitoxin systems. Arbing MA, Handelman SK, Kuzin AP, Verdon G, Wang C, Su M, Rothenbacher FP, Abashidze M, Liu M, Hurley JM, Xiao R, Acton T, Inouye M, Montelione GT, Woychik NA, Hunt JF. Structure 18 996-1010 (2010)
  5. Comparative proteomics identifies the cell-associated lethality of M. tuberculosis RelBE-like toxin-antitoxin complexes. Miallau L, Jain P, Arbing MA, Cascio D, Phan T, Ahn CJ, Chan S, Chernishof I, Maxson M, Chiang J, Jacobs WR, Eisenberg DS. Structure 21 627-637 (2013)
  6. The higBA Toxin-Antitoxin Module From the Opportunistic Pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii - Regulation, Activity, and Evolution. Armalytė J, Jurėnas D, Krasauskas R, Čepauskas A, Sužiedėlienė E. Front Microbiol 9 732 (2018)
  7. Distinct oligomeric structures of the YoeB-YefM complex provide insights into the conditional cooperativity of type II toxin-antitoxin system. Xue L, Yue J, Ke J, Khan MH, Wen W, Sun B, Zhu Z, Niu L. Nucleic Acids Res 48 10527-10541 (2020)
  8. Identifying a Molecular Mechanism That Imparts Species-Specific Toxicity to YoeB Toxins. Ames JR, McGillick J, Murphy T, Reddem E, Bourne CR. Front Microbiol 11 959 (2020)
  9. Insights into the Neutralization and DNA Binding of Toxin-Antitoxin System ParESO-CopASO by Structure-Function Studies. Zhou J, Du XJ, Liu Y, Gao ZQ, Geng Z, Dong YH, Zhang H. Microorganisms 9 2506 (2021)
  10. The two paralogous copies of the YoeB-YefM toxin-antitoxin module in Staphylococcus aureus differ in DNA binding and recognition patterns. Xue L, Khan MH, Yue J, Zhu Z, Niu L. J Biol Chem 298 101457 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (25)

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  2. Toxin-antitoxin systems in bacterial growth arrest and persistence. Page R, Peti W. Nat Chem Biol 12 208-214 (2016)
  3. Bacterial persistence and toxin-antitoxin loci. Gerdes K, Maisonneuve E. Annu Rev Microbiol 66 103-123 (2012)
  4. Regulation of growth and death in Escherichia coli by toxin-antitoxin systems. Yamaguchi Y, Inouye M. Nat Rev Microbiol 9 779-790 (2011)
  5. Toxin-antitoxin modules as bacterial metabolic stress managers. Buts L, Lah J, Dao-Thi MH, Wyns L, Loris R. Trends Biochem Sci 30 672-679 (2005)
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  8. Multiple toxin-antitoxin systems in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sala A, Bordes P, Genevaux P. Toxins (Basel) 6 1002-1020 (2014)
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  13. Toxin-antitoxin systems and their role in disseminating and maintaining antimicrobial resistance. Yang QE, Walsh TR. FEMS Microbiol Rev 41 343-353 (2017)
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  16. Shutdown decay of mRNA. Condon C. Mol Microbiol 61 573-583 (2006)
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  23. Cut to the chase--Regulating translation through RNA cleavage. Sofos N, Xu K, Dedic E, Brodersen DE. Biochimie 114 10-17 (2015)
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