2b74 Citations

Cooperative water filling of a nonpolar protein cavity observed by high-pressure crystallography and simulation.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 16668-71 (2005)
Related entries: 2b6w, 2b6x, 2b6y, 2b6z, 2b70, 2b72, 2b73, 2b75, 2oe4

Cited: 101 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16269539


Formation of a water-expelling nonpolar core is the paradigm of protein folding and stability. Although experiment largely confirms this picture, water buried in "hydrophobic" cavities is required for the function of some proteins. Hydration of the protein core has also been suggested as the mechanism of pressure-induced unfolding. We therefore are led to ask whether even the most nonpolar protein core is truly hydrophobic (i.e., water-repelling). To answer this question we probed the hydration of an approximately 160-A(3), highly hydrophobic cavity created by mutation in T4 lysozyme by using high-pressure crystallography and molecular dynamics simulation. We show that application of modest pressure causes approximately four water molecules to enter the cavity while the protein itself remains essentially unchanged. The highly cooperative filling is primarily due to a small change in bulk water activity, which implies that changing solvent conditions or, equivalently, cavity polarity can dramatically affect interior hydration of proteins and thereby influence both protein activity and folding.

Articles - 2b74 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Cooperative water filling of a nonpolar protein cavity observed by high-pressure crystallography and simulation. Collins MD, Hummer G, Quillin ML, Matthews BW, Gruner SM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 16668-16671 (2005)
  2. Structural and thermodynamic characterization of T4 lysozyme mutants and the contribution of internal cavities to pressure denaturation. Ando N, Barstow B, Baase WA, Fields A, Matthews BW, Gruner SM. Biochemistry 47 11097-11109 (2008)

Reviews citing this publication (14)

  1. Water in nonpolar confinement: from nanotubes to proteins and beyond. Rasaiah JC, Garde S, Hummer G. Annu Rev Phys Chem 59 713-740 (2008)
  2. Computations of standard binding free energies with molecular dynamics simulations. Deng Y, Roux B. J Phys Chem B 113 2234-2246 (2009)
  3. Dewetting and hydrophobic interaction in physical and biological systems. Berne BJ, Weeks JD, Zhou R. Annu Rev Phys Chem 60 85-103 (2009)
  4. Water Determines the Structure and Dynamics of Proteins. Bellissent-Funel MC, Hassanali A, Havenith M, Henchman R, Pohl P, Sterpone F, van der Spoel D, Xu Y, Garcia AE. Chem Rev 116 7673-7697 (2016)
  5. Lessons from the lysozyme of phage T4. Baase WA, Liu L, Tronrud DE, Matthews BW. Protein Sci 19 631-641 (2010)
  6. Protein unfolding, amyloid fibril formation and configurational energy landscapes under high pressure conditions. Meersman F, Dobson CM, Heremans K. Chem Soc Rev 35 908-917 (2006)
  7. Water in protein hydration and ligand recognition. Maurer M, Oostenbrink C. J Mol Recognit 32 e2810 (2019)
  8. A review about nothing: are apolar cavities in proteins really empty? Matthews BW, Liu L. Protein Sci 18 494-502 (2009)
  9. High-pressure macromolecular crystallography and NMR: status, achievements and prospects. Fourme R, Girard E, Akasaka K. Curr Opin Struct Biol 22 636-642 (2012)
  10. High-pressure protein crystallography and NMR to explore protein conformations. Collins MD, Kim CU, Gruner SM. Annu Rev Biophys 40 81-98 (2011)
  11. Water in Nanopores and Biological Channels: A Molecular Simulation Perspective. Lynch CI, Rao S, Sansom MSP. Chem Rev 120 10298-10335 (2020)
  12. Advances in high-pressure biophysics: status and prospects of macromolecular crystallography. Fourme R, Girard E, Kahn R, Dhaussy AC, Ascone I. Annu Rev Biophys 38 153-171 (2009)
  13. Cavitand Complexes in Aqueous Solution: Collaborative Experimental and Computational Studies of the Wetting, Assembly, and Function of Nanoscopic Bowls in Water. Ashbaugh HS, Gibb BC, Suating P. J Phys Chem B 125 3253-3268 (2021)
  14. Molecular dynamics of thermoenzymes at high temperature and pressure: a review. Abedi Karjiban R, Lim WZ, Basri M, Abdul Rahman MB. Protein J 33 369-376 (2014)

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