2fjp Citations

(2S,3S)-3-Amino-4-(3,3-difluoropyrrolidin-1-yl)-N,N-dimethyl-4-oxo-2-(4-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]-pyridin-6-ylphenyl)butanamide: a selective alpha-amino amide dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


A series of beta-substituted biarylphenylalanine amides were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-4) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Optimization of the metabolic profile of early analogues led to the discovery of (2S,3S)-3-amino-4-(3,3-difluoropyrrolidin-1-yl)-N,N-dimethyl-4-oxo-2-(4-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyridin-6-ylphenyl)butanamide (6), a potent, orally active DPP-4 inhibitor (IC(50) = 6.3 nM) with excellent selectivity, oral bioavailability in preclinical species, and in vivo efficacy in animal models. Compound 6 was selected for further characterization as a potential new treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Articles - 2fjp mentioned but not cited (7)

  1. Ligand deconstruction: Why some fragment binding positions are conserved and others are not. Kozakov D, Hall DR, Jehle S, Luo L, Ochiana SO, Jones EV, Pollastri M, Allen KN, Whitty A, Vajda S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112 E2585-94 (2015)
  2. Hot spot analysis for driving the development of hits into leads in fragment-based drug discovery. Hall DR, Ngan CH, Zerbe BS, Kozakov D, Vajda S. J Chem Inf Model 52 199-209 (2012)
  3. The good, the bad and the dubious: VHELIBS, a validation helper for ligands and binding sites. Cereto-Massagué A, Ojeda MJ, Joosten RP, Valls C, Mulero M, Salvado MJ, Arola-Arnal A, Arola L, Garcia-Vallvé S, Pujadas G. J Cheminform 5 36 (2013)
  4. Systems pharmacology to investigate the interaction of berberine and other drugs in treating polycystic ovary syndrome. Wang Y, Fu X, Xu J, Wang Q, Kuang H. Sci Rep 6 28089 (2016)
  5. Identification of novel human dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors of natural origin (part I): virtual screening and activity assays. Guasch L, Ojeda MJ, González-Abuín N, Sala E, Cereto-Massagué A, Mulero M, Valls C, Pinent M, Ardévol A, Garcia-Vallvé S, Pujadas G. PLoS One 7 e44971 (2012)
  6. Identification of novel human dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors of natural origin (Part II): in silico prediction in antidiabetic extracts. Guasch L, Sala E, Ojeda MJ, Valls C, Bladé C, Mulero M, Blay M, Ardévol A, Garcia-Vallvé S, Pujadas G. PLoS One 7 e44972 (2012)
  7. Synthesis, evaluation and molecular docking of prolyl-fluoropyrrolidine derivatives as dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. Sharma M, Gupta M, Singh D, Kumar M, Kaur P. Chem Biol Drug Des 82 156-166 (2013)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

  1. Plasma protein binding: from discovery to development. Bohnert T, Gan LS. J Pharm Sci 102 2953-2994 (2013)
  2. Medicinal chemistry approaches to the inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Havale SH, Pal M. Bioorg Med Chem 17 1783-1802 (2009)
  3. Opportunities for structure-based design of protease-directed drugs. Mittl PR, Grütter MG. Curr Opin Struct Biol 16 769-775 (2006)
  4. The Curtius Rearrangement: Applications in Modern Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry. Ghosh AK, Brindisi M, Sarkar A. ChemMedChem 13 2351-2373 (2018)
  5. Activity and selectivity cliffs for DPP-IV inhibitors: Lessons we can learn from SAR studies and their application to virtual screening. Ojeda-Montes MJ, Gimeno A, Tomas-Hernández S, Cereto-Massagué A, Beltrán-Debón R, Valls C, Mulero M, Pujadas G, Garcia-Vallvé S. Med Res Rev 38 1874-1915 (2018)

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