2h4b Citations

A photoswitchable miniprotein based on the sequence of avian pancreatic polypeptide.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 45 6297-300 (2006)
Related entries: 2h3s, 2h3t

Cited: 16 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16933352

Articles - 2h4b mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Mapping the Azolog Space Enables the Optical Control of New Biological Targets. Morstein J, Awale M, Reymond JL, Trauner D. ACS Cent Sci 5 607-618 (2019)

Reviews citing this publication (4)

  1. Light-controlled tools. Brieke C, Rohrbach F, Gottschalk A, Mayer G, Heckel A. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51 8446-8476 (2012)
  2. Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of photoswitchable peptides. Hamm P, Helbing J, Bredenbeck J. Annu Rev Phys Chem 59 291-317 (2008)
  3. Photochromism into nanosystems: towards lighting up the future nanoworld. Wang L, Li Q. Chem Soc Rev 47 1044-1097 (2018)
  4. Photochemical Reactions in Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers Characterized by using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Guo C, Li M, Kang S. Chemphyschem 17 802-811 (2016)

Articles citing this publication (11)

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  2. Redox potential of azobenzene as an amino acid residue in peptides. Boulègue C, Löweneck M, Renner C, Moroder L. Chembiochem 8 591-594 (2007)
  3. On-surface single molecule synthesis chemistry: a promising bottom-up approach towards functional surfaces. Zhang X, Zeng Q, Wang C. Nanoscale 5 8269-8287 (2013)
  4. A core-shell nanoparticle approach to photoreversible fluorescence modulation of a hydrophobic dye in aqueous media. Chen J, Zeng F, Wu S, Chen Q, Tong Z. Chemistry 14 4851-4860 (2008)
  5. Photoreversible fluorescence modulation of a rhodamine dye by supramolecular complexation with photosensitive cyclodextrin. Wu S, Luo Y, Zeng F, Chen J, Chen Y, Tong Z. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 46 7015-7018 (2007)
  6. Light-directed protein binding of a biologically relevant beta-sheet. Hoppmann C, Seedorff S, Richter A, Fabian H, Schmieder P, Rück-Braun K, Beyermann M. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48 6636-6639 (2009)
  7. Synthesis and application of an azobenzene amino acid as a light-switchable turn element in polypeptides. Aemissegger A, Hilvert D. Nat Protoc 2 161-167 (2007)
  8. Designed Heme-Cage β-Sheet Miniproteins. D'Souza A, Wu X, Yeow EKL, Bhattacharjya S. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 56 5904-5908 (2017)
  9. The solution structure of pGolemi, a high affinity Mena EVH1 binding miniature protein, suggests explanations for paralog-specific binding to Ena/VASP homology (EVH) 1 domains. Link NM, Hunke C, Mueller JW, Eichler J, Bayer P. Biol Chem 390 417-426 (2009)
  10. Light-Controlled Friction by Carboxylic Azobenzene Molecular Self-Assembly Layers. Xue D, Ma L, Tian Y, Zeng Q, Tu B, Luo W, Wen S, Luo J. Front Chem 9 707232 (2021)
  11. Transpeptidation-directed intramolecular bipartite tetracysteine display for sortase activity assay. Xu AJ, Yang Y, Zhang CY. Chem Commun (Camb) 54 8116-8119 (2018)