Articles - 2i0c mentioned but not cited (1)
- Defining the structural relationship between kainate-receptor deactivation and desensitization. Dawe GB, Musgaard M, Andrews ED, Daniels BA, Aurousseau MR, Biggin PC, Bowie D. Nat Struct Mol Biol 20 1054-1061 (2013)
Reviews citing this publication (18)
- Glutamate receptor ion channels: structure, regulation, and function. Traynelis SF, Wollmuth LP, McBain CJ, Menniti FS, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Hansen KB, Yuan H, Myers SJ, Dingledine R. Pharmacol Rev 62 405-496 (2010)
- Structure, Function, and Pharmacology of Glutamate Receptor Ion Channels. Hansen KB, Wollmuth LP, Bowie D, Furukawa H, Menniti FS, Sobolevsky AI, Swanson GT, Swanger SA, Greger IH, Nakagawa T, McBain CJ, Jayaraman V, Low CM, Dell'Acqua ML, Diamond JS, Camp CR, Perszyk RE, Yuan H, Traynelis SF. Pharmacol Rev 73 298-487 (2021)
- Kainate receptors coming of age: milestones of two decades of research. Contractor A, Mulle C, Swanson GT. Trends Neurosci 34 154-163 (2011)
- Molecular determinants of AMPA receptor subunit assembly. Greger IH, Ziff EB, Penn AC. Trends Neurosci 30 407-416 (2007)
- Control of assembly and function of glutamate receptors by the amino-terminal domain. Hansen KB, Furukawa H, Traynelis SF. Mol Pharmacol 78 535-549 (2010)
- Emerging models of glutamate receptor ion channel structure and function. Mayer ML. Structure 19 1370-1380 (2011)
- Regulation of synaptic transmission by ambient extracellular glutamate. Featherstone DE, Shippy SA. Neuroscientist 14 171-181 (2008)
- Assembly of AMPA receptors: mechanisms and regulation. Gan Q, Salussolia CL, Wollmuth LP. J Physiol 593 39-48 (2015)
- Structure and gating of tetrameric glutamate receptors. Sobolevsky AI. J Physiol 593 29-38 (2015)
- Structural aspects of AMPA receptor activation, desensitization and deactivation. Hansen KB, Yuan H, Traynelis SF. Curr Opin Neurobiol 17 281-288 (2007)
- Gating and permeation of kainate receptors: differences unveiled. Perrais D, Veran J, Mulle C. Trends Pharmacol Sci 31 516-522 (2010)
- Structural mechanisms of activation and desensitization in neurotransmitter-gated ion channels. Plested AJ. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23 494-502 (2016)
- The Challenge of Interpreting Glutamate-Receptor Ion-Channel Structures. Mayer ML. Biophys J 113 2143-2151 (2017)
- Mapping the Conformational Landscape of Glutamate Receptors Using Single Molecule FRET. MacLean DM, Durham RJ, Jayaraman V. Trends Neurosci 42 128-139 (2019)
- Retour aux sources: defining the structural basis of glutamate receptor activation. Dawe GB, Aurousseau MR, Daniels BA, Bowie D. J Physiol 593 97-110 (2015)
- The multifaceted subunit interfaces of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Green T, Nayeem N. J Physiol 593 73-81 (2015)
- The structure and function of glutamate receptors: Mg2+ block to X-ray diffraction. Mayer ML. Neuropharmacology 112 4-10 (2017)
- [Molecular operation of ionotropic glutamate receptors: proteins that mediate the excitatory synaptic neurotransmission]. Gielen M. Med Sci (Paris) 26 65-72 (2010)
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- Mechanism of NMDA Receptor Inhibition and Activation. Zhu S, Stein RA, Yoshioka C, Lee CH, Goehring A, Mchaourab HS, Gouaux E. Cell 165 704-714 (2016)
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- A conformational intermediate in glutamate receptor activation. Lau AY, Salazar H, Blachowicz L, Ghisi V, Plested AJ, Roux B. Neuron 79 492-503 (2013)
- Glycine activated ion channel subunits encoded by ctenophore glutamate receptor genes. Alberstein R, Grey R, Zimmet A, Simmons DK, Mayer ML. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112 E6048-57 (2015)
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- Correlating efficacy and desensitization with GluK2 ligand-binding domain movements. Nayeem N, Mayans O, Green T. Open Biol 3 130051 (2013)
- Comment Net(o) excitement for kainate receptors. Lerma J. Nat Neurosci 14 808-810 (2011)
- Pharmacological and structural characterization of conformationally restricted (S)-glutamate analogues at ionotropic glutamate receptors. Juknaitė L, Venskutonytė R, Assaf Z, Faure S, Gefflaut T, Aitken DJ, Nielsen B, Gajhede M, Kastrup JS, Bunch L, Frydenvang K, Pickering DS. J Struct Biol 180 39-46 (2012)
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- Molecular level activation insights from a NR2A/NR2B agonist. Ieong Tou W, Chang SS, Wu D, Lai TW, Wang YT, Hsu CY, Chen CY. J Biomol Struct Dyn 32 683-693 (2014)
- Comment Glutamate receptor ion channels: where do all the calories go? Mayer ML. Nat Struct Mol Biol 18 253-254 (2011)
- Developmental Transcriptome Analysis of Red-Spotted Apollo Butterfly, Parnassius bremeri. Lee KW, Denison MIJ, Veerappan K, Srinivasan S, Park B, Natarajan S, Chung H, Park J. Int J Mol Sci 23 11533 (2022)
- Expression and Functional Analysis of Ctenophore Glutamate Receptor Genes. Mayer ML. Methods Mol Biol 2757 259-268 (2024)