2ifz Citations

Protein folding determinants: structural features determining alternative disulfide pairing in alpha- and chi/lambda-conotoxins.

Biochemistry 46 3338-55 (2007)
Related entries: 2ifi, 2ifj, 2igu, 2ih6, 2ih7, 2iha

Cited: 24 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 17315952


Alpha-conotoxins isolated from Conus venoms contain 11-19 residues and preferentially fold into the globular conformation that possesses a specific disulfide pairing pattern (C1-3, C2-4). We and others isolated a new family of chi-conotoxins (also called lambda conotoxins) with the conserved cysteine framework of alpha-conotoxins but with alternative disulfide pairing (C1-4, C2-3) resulting in the ribbon conformation. In both families, disulfide pairing and hence folding are important for their biological potency. By comparing the structural differences, we identified potential structural determinants responsible for the folding tendencies of these conotoxins. We examined the role of conserved proline in the first intercysteine loop and the conserved C-terminal amide on folding patterns of synthetic analogues of ImI conotoxin by comparing the isoforms with the regiospecifically synthesized conformers. Deamidation at the C-terminus and substitution of proline in the first intercysteine loop switch the folding pattern from the globular form of alpha-conotoxins to the ribbon form of chi/lambda-conotoxins. The findings are corroborated by reciprocal folding of CMrVIA chi/lambda-conotoxins. Substitution of Lys-6 from the first intercysteine loop of CMrVIA conotoxin with proline, as well as the inclusion of an amidated C-terminal shifted the folding preference of CMrVIA conotoxin from its native ribbon conformation toward the globular conformation. Binding assays of ImI conotoxin analogues with Aplysia and Bulinus acetylcholine binding protein indicate that both these substitutions and their consequent conformational change substantially impact the binding affinity of ImI conotoxin. These results strongly indicate that the first intercysteine loop proline and C-terminal amidation act as conformational switches in alpha- and chi/lambda-conotoxins.

Reviews - 2ifz mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Discovery, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of conotoxins. Akondi KB, Muttenthaler M, Dutertre S, Kaas Q, Craik DJ, Lewis RJ, Alewood PF. Chem Rev 114 5815-5847 (2014)

Articles - 2ifz mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Protein folding determinants: structural features determining alternative disulfide pairing in alpha- and chi/lambda-conotoxins. Kang TS, Radić Z, Talley TT, Jois SD, Taylor P, Kini RM. Biochemistry 46 3338-3355 (2007)

Reviews citing this publication (7)

  1. Folding of conotoxins: formation of the native disulfide bridges during chemical synthesis and biosynthesis of Conus peptides. Bulaj G, Olivera BM. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 10 141-155 (2008)
  2. Structure-guided drug design: conferring selectivity among neuronal nicotinic receptor and acetylcholine-binding protein subtypes. Taylor P, Talley TT, Radic' Z, Hansen SB, Hibbs RE, Shi J. Biochem. Pharmacol. 74 1164-1171 (2007)
  3. Synthetic α-conotoxin mutants as probes for studying nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and in the development of novel drug leads. Armishaw CJ. Toxins (Basel) 2 1471-1499 (2010)
  4. Structural determinants of protein folding. Kang TS, Kini RM. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 66 2341-2361 (2009)
  5. Incorporation of post-translational modified amino acids as an approach to increase both chemical and biological diversity of conotoxins and conopeptides. Espiritu MJ, Cabalteja CC, Sugai CK, Bingham JP. Amino Acids 46 125-151 (2014)
  6. Structural and Functional Analyses of Cone Snail Toxins. Morales Duque H, Campos Dias S, Franco OL. Mar Drugs 17 (2019)
  7. α-Conotoxin Peptidomimetics: Probing the Minimal Binding Motif for Effective Analgesia. Kennedy AC, Belgi A, Husselbee BW, Spanswick D, Norton RS, Robinson AJ. Toxins (Basel) 12 (2020)

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  2. Rational design of alpha-conotoxin analogues targeting alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: improved antagonistic activity by incorporation of proline derivatives. Armishaw C, Jensen AA, Balle T, Clark RJ, Harpsøe K, Skonberg C, Liljefors T, Strømgaard K. J. Biol. Chem. 284 9498-9512 (2009)
  3. Modulation of conotoxin structure and function is achieved through a multienzyme complex in the venom glands of cone snails. Safavi-Hemami H, Gorasia DG, Steiner AM, Williamson NA, Karas JA, Gajewiak J, Olivera BM, Bulaj G, Purcell AW. J. Biol. Chem. 287 34288-34303 (2012)
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