EC Glutathione transferase
Reaction catalysed:
RX + glutathione = HX + R-S-glutathione
Systematic name:
RX:glutathione R-transferase
Alternative Name(s):
- Glutathione S-alkyl transferase
- Glutathione S-alkyltransferase
- Glutathione S-aralkyltransferase
- Glutathione S-aryltransferase
- Glutathione S-transferase
- S-(hydroxyalkyl)glutathione lyase
GO terms
Biochemical function:
Biological process:
Cellular component:
- not assigned
Sequence families
Protein families (Pfam)
InterPro annotations
Structure domains
CATH domains
Mainly Alpha
Up-down Bundle
Glutathione S-transferase Yfyf (Class Pi); Chain A, domain 2
Glutathione S-transferase Yfyf (Class Pi); Chain A, domain 2
Occurring in:
![The deposited structure of PDB entry <span class='highlight'>2imi</span> contains 2 copies of CATH domain <span class='highlight'>1.20.1050.10 (Glutathione S-transferase Yfyf (Class Pi); Chain A, domain 2)</span> in <span class='highlight'>AGAP009194-PA</span>. Showing 1 copy in chain <span class='highlight'>A</span>. The deposited structure of PDB entry 2imi contains 2 copies of CATH domain 1.20.1050.10 (Glutathione S-transferase Yfyf (Class Pi); Chain A, domain 2) in AGAP009194-PA. Showing 1 copy in chain A.](