Reviews - 2jk4 mentioned but not cited (10)
- The structural biology of β-barrel membrane proteins: a summary of recent reports. Fairman JW, Noinaj N, Buchanan SK. Curr Opin Struct Biol 21 523-531 (2011)
- Diabetes Mellitus, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Ca2+-Dependent Permeability Transition Pore. Belosludtsev KN, Belosludtseva NV, Dubinin MV. Int J Mol Sci 21 E6559 (2020)
- Tuning microbial hosts for membrane protein production. Freigassner M, Pichler H, Glieder A. Microb Cell Fact 8 69 (2009)
- Mechanisms underlying ubiquitin-driven selective mitochondrial and bacterial autophagy. Goodall EA, Kraus F, Harper JW. Mol Cell 82 1501-1513 (2022)
- Ten Years of High Resolution Structural Research on the Voltage Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC)-Recent Developments and Future Directions. Zeth K, Zachariae U. Front Physiol 9 108 (2018)
- Alpha-Synuclein and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: The Emerging Role of VDAC. Risiglione P, Zinghirino F, Di Rosa MC, Magrì A, Messina A. Biomolecules 11 718 (2021)
- The Role of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel in Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Human Disease. Varughese JT, Buchanan SK, Pitt AS. Cells 10 1737 (2021)
- TSPO protein binding partners in bacteria, animals, and plants. Hiser C, Montgomery BL, Ferguson-Miller S. J Bioenerg Biomembr 53 463-487 (2021)
- Voltage-Dependent Anion Selective Channel Isoforms in Yeast: Expression, Structure, and Functions. Di Rosa MC, Guarino F, Conti Nibali S, Magrì A, De Pinto V. Front Physiol 12 675708 (2021)
- Historical Perspective of Pore-Forming Activity Studies of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (Eukaryotic or Mitochondrial Porin) Since Its Discovery in the 70th of the Last Century. Benz R. Front Physiol 12 734226 (2021)
Articles - 2jk4 mentioned but not cited (40)
Reviews citing this publication (98)
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- Mitochondrial Machineries for Protein Import and Assembly. Wiedemann N, Pfanner N. Annu Rev Biochem 86 685-714 (2017)
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