Reviews - 2o6v mentioned but not cited (4)
- Unraveling the complexity of ubiquitin signaling. Strieter ER, Korasick DA. ACS Chem Biol 7 52-63 (2012)
- The WD40-repeat protein-containing deubiquitinase complex: catalysis, regulation, and potential for therapeutic intervention. Villamil MA, Liang Q, Zhuang Z. Cell Biochem Biophys 67 111-126 (2013)
- Ubiquitination in the ERAD Process. Lopata A, Kniss A, Löhr F, Rogov VV, Dötsch V. Int J Mol Sci 21 E5369 (2020)
- The Role of Cullin-RING Ligases in Striated Muscle Development, Function, and Disease. Blondelle J, Biju A, Lange S. Int J Mol Sci 21 E7936 (2020)
Articles - 2o6v mentioned but not cited (20)
- Analyses of the effects of all ubiquitin point mutants on yeast growth rate. Roscoe BP, Thayer KM, Zeldovich KB, Fushman D, Bolon DN. J Mol Biol 425 1363-1377 (2013)
- Recovering a representative conformational ensemble from underdetermined macromolecular structural data. Berlin K, Castañeda CA, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Sali A, Nava-Tudela A, Fushman D. J Am Chem Soc 135 16595-16609 (2013)
- Understanding the role of the Josephin domain in the PolyUb binding and cleavage properties of ataxin-3. Nicastro G, Todi SV, Karaca E, Bonvin AM, Paulson HL, Pastore A. PLoS One 5 e12430 (2010)
- De novo macrocyclic peptides that specifically modulate Lys48-linked ubiquitin chains. Nawatha M, Rogers JM, Bonn SM, Livneh I, Lemma B, Mali SM, Vamisetti GB, Sun H, Bercovich B, Huang Y, Ciechanover A, Fushman D, Suga H, Brik A. Nat Chem 11 644-652 (2019)
- The ubiquitin ligase Ubr4 controls stability of podocin/MEC-2 supercomplexes. Rinschen MM, Bharill P, Wu X, Kohli P, Reinert MJ, Kretz O, Saez I, Schermer B, Höhne M, Bartram MP, Aravamudhan S, Brooks BR, Vilchez D, Huber TB, Müller RU, Krüger M, Benzing T. Hum Mol Genet 25 1328-1344 (2016)
- A single MIU motif of MINDY-1 recognizes K48-linked polyubiquitin chains. Kristariyanto YA, Abdul Rehman SA, Weidlich S, Knebel A, Kulathu Y. EMBO Rep 18 392-402 (2017)
- Structural and biochemical studies of the open state of Lys48-linked diubiquitin. Lai MY, Zhang D, Laronde-Leblanc N, Fushman D. Biochim Biophys Acta 1823 2046-2056 (2012)
- Mechanistic insights into enhancement or inhibition of phase separation by different polyubiquitin chains. Dao TP, Yang Y, Presti MF, Cosgrove MS, Hopkins JB, Ma W, Loh SN, Castañeda CA. EMBO Rep 23 e55056 (2022)
- Assessing the potential of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to probe reversible protein-protein recognition and binding. Abriata LA, Dal Peraro M. Sci Rep 5 10549 (2015)
- An Extended Conformation for K48 Ubiquitin Chains Revealed by the hRpn2:Rpn13:K48-Diubiquitin Structure. Lu X, Ebelle DL, Matsuo H, Walters KJ. Structure 28 495-506.e3 (2020)
- In vivo modulation of ubiquitin chains by N-methylated non-proteinogenic cyclic peptides. Rogers JM, Nawatha M, Lemma B, Vamisetti GB, Livneh I, Barash U, Vlodavsky I, Ciechanover A, Fushman D, Suga H, Brik A. RSC Chem Biol 2 513-522 (2021)
- Structural Basis for the Inhibitory Effects of Ubistatins in the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway. Nakasone MA, Lewis TA, Walker O, Thakur A, Mansour W, Castañeda CA, Goeckeler-Fried JL, Parlati F, Chou TF, Hayat O, Zhang D, Camara CM, Bonn SM, Nowicka UK, Krueger S, Glickman MH, Brodsky JL, Deshaies RJ, Fushman D. Structure 25 1839-1855.e11 (2017)
- Crystal structure of a complex of NOD1 CARD and ubiquitin. Ver Heul AM, Gakhar L, Piper RC, Subramanian R. PLoS One 9 e104017 (2014)
- Nonspecific yet decisive: Ubiquitination can affect the native-state dynamics of the modified protein. Gavrilov Y, Hagai T, Levy Y. Protein Sci 24 1580-1592 (2015)
- Comparison of native and non-native ubiquitin oligomers reveals analogous structures and reactivities. Pham GH, Rana AS, Korkmaz EN, Trang VH, Cui Q, Strieter ER. Protein Sci 25 456-471 (2016)
- Dynamics of an Active-Site Flap Contributes to Catalysis in a JAMM Family Metallo Deubiquitinase. Bueno AN, Shrestha RK, Ronau JA, Babar A, Sheedlo MJ, Fuchs JE, Paul LN, Das C. Biochemistry 54 6038-6051 (2015)
- Recognition of Poly-Ubiquitins by the Proteasome through Protein Refolding Guided by Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions. Zhang Y, Vuković L, Rudack T, Han W, Schulten K. J Phys Chem B 120 8137-8146 (2016)
- Crystallographic structure of ubiquitin in complex with cadmium ions. Qureshi IA, Ferron F, Seh CC, Cheung P, Lescar J. BMC Res Notes 2 251 (2009)
- Enhancing ubiquitin crystallization through surface-entropy reduction. Loll PJ, Xu P, Schmidt JT, Melideo SL. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 70 1434-1442 (2014)
- Mechanism of selective recognition of Lys48-linked polyubiquitin by macrocyclic peptide inhibitors of proteasomal degradation. Lemma B, Zhang D, Vamisetti GB, Wentz BG, Suga H, Brik A, Lubkowski J, Fushman D. Nat Commun 14 7212 (2023)
Reviews citing this publication (31)
- The ubiquitin code. Komander D, Rape M. Annu Rev Biochem 81 203-229 (2012)
- Regulation and cellular roles of ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinating enzymes. Reyes-Turcu FE, Ventii KH, Wilkinson KD. Annu Rev Biochem 78 363-397 (2009)
- Atypical ubiquitylation - the unexplored world of polyubiquitin beyond Lys48 and Lys63 linkages. Kulathu Y, Komander D. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 13 508-523 (2012)
- Polyubiquitin chains: functions, structures, and mechanisms. Li W, Ye Y. Cell Mol Life Sci 65 2397-2406 (2008)
- Constructing and decoding unconventional ubiquitin chains. Behrends C, Harper JW. Nat Struct Mol Biol 18 520-528 (2011)
- Balancing act: deubiquitinating enzymes in the nervous system. Todi SV, Paulson HL. Trends Neurosci 34 370-382 (2011)
- Polyubiquitin binding and disassembly by deubiquitinating enzymes. Reyes-Turcu FE, Wilkinson KD. Chem Rev 109 1495-1508 (2009)
- The diversity of ubiquitin recognition: hot spots and varied specificity. Winget JM, Mayor T. Mol Cell 38 627-635 (2010)
- The ubiquitin landscape at DNA double-strand breaks. Messick TE, Greenberg RA. J Cell Biol 187 319-326 (2009)
- The complexity of recognition of ubiquitinated substrates by the 26S proteasome. Ciechanover A, Stanhill A. Biochim Biophys Acta 1843 86-96 (2014)
- Substrate specificity of the ubiquitin and Ubl proteases. Ronau JA, Beckmann JF, Hochstrasser M. Cell Res 26 441-456 (2016)
- The role of Ubiquitination in Apoptosis and Necroptosis. Roberts JZ, Crawford N, Longley DB. Cell Death Differ 29 272-284 (2022)
- Chemistry and biology of the ubiquitin signal. Spasser L, Brik A. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51 6840-6862 (2012)
- The multiple layers of ubiquitin-dependent cell cycle control. Wickliffe K, Williamson A, Jin L, Rape M. Chem Rev 109 1537-1548 (2009)
- Breakdown of endocytosis in the oncogenic activation of receptor tyrosine kinases. Abella JV, Park M. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296 E973-84 (2009)
- Structure characterization of the 26S proteasome. Kim HM, Yu Y, Cheng Y. Biochim Biophys Acta 1809 67-79 (2011)
- Met1-linked ubiquitination in immune signalling. Fiil BK, Gyrd-Hansen M. FEBS J 281 4337-4350 (2014)
- Structure, Dynamics and Function of the 26S Proteasome. Mao Y. Subcell Biochem 96 1-151 (2021)
- Development of inhibitors in the ubiquitination cascade. Zhang W, Sidhu SS. FEBS Lett 588 356-367 (2014)
- Multitasking with ubiquitin through multivalent interactions. Liu F, Walters KJ. Trends Biochem Sci 35 352-360 (2010)
- Design principles of a universal protein degradation machine. Matyskiela ME, Martin A. J Mol Biol 425 199-213 (2013)
- Proteasome in action: substrate degradation by the 26S proteasome. Sahu I, Glickman MH. Biochem Soc Trans 49 629-644 (2021)
- Specificity and disease in the ubiquitin system. Chaugule VK, Walden H. Biochem Soc Trans 44 212-227 (2016)
- Ubiquitin and its binding domains. Randles L, Walters KJ. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) 17 2140-2157 (2012)
- Protein Engineering in the Ubiquitin System: Tools for Discovery and Beyond. Zhao B, Tsai YC, Jin B, Wang B, Wang Y, Zhou H, Carpenter T, Weissman AM, Yin J. Pharmacol Rev 72 380-413 (2020)
- Post translational modification of Parkin. Chakraborty J, Basso V, Ziviani E. Biol Direct 12 6 (2017)
- Deubiquitinating Enzymes Related to Autophagy: New Therapeutic Opportunities? Jacomin AC, Taillebourg E, Fauvarque MO. Cells 7 E112 (2018)
- RAP80, ubiquitin and SUMO in the DNA damage response. Lombardi PM, Matunis MJ, Wolberger C. J Mol Med (Berl) 95 799-807 (2017)
- Non-enzymatic synthesis of ubiquitin chains: where chemistry makes a difference. Hemantha HP, Brik A. Bioorg Med Chem 21 3411-3420 (2013)
- The ubiquitin codes in cellular stress responses. Sheng X, Xia Z, Yang H, Hu R. Protein Cell 15 157-190 (2024)
- Using protein motion to read, write, and erase ubiquitin signals. Phillips AH, Corn JE. J Biol Chem 290 26437-26444 (2015)
Articles citing this publication (63)
- Complete subunit architecture of the proteasome regulatory particle. Lander GC, Estrin E, Matyskiela ME, Bashore C, Nogales E, Martin A. Nature 482 186-191 (2012)
- Molecular discrimination of structurally equivalent Lys 63-linked and linear polyubiquitin chains. Komander D, Reyes-Turcu F, Licchesi JD, Odenwaelder P, Wilkinson KD, Barford D. EMBO Rep 10 466-473 (2009)
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- A snapshot of ubiquitin chain elongation: lysine 48-tetra-ubiquitin slows down ubiquitination. Kovacev J, Wu K, Spratt DE, Chong RA, Lee C, Nayak J, Shaw GS, Pan ZQ. J Biol Chem 289 7068-7081 (2014)
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- Intrinsic site-selectivity of ubiquitin dimer formation. Andersen KA, Martin LJ, Prince JM, Raines RT. Protein Sci 24 182-189 (2015)
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