2qzo Citations

Coupling of receptor conformation and ligand orientation determine graded activity.

OpenAccess logo Nat Chem Biol 6 837-43 (2010)
Related entries: 2qxs, 3os8, 3os9, 3osa

Cited: 79 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20924370


Small molecules stabilize specific protein conformations from a larger ensemble, enabling molecular switches that control diverse cellular functions. We show here that the converse also holds true: the conformational state of the estrogen receptor can direct distinct orientations of the bound ligand. 'Gain-of-allostery' mutations that mimic the effects of ligand in driving protein conformation allowed crystallization of the partial agonist ligand WAY-169916 with both the canonical active and inactive conformations of the estrogen receptor. The intermediate transcriptional activity induced by WAY-169916 is associated with the ligand binding differently to the active and inactive conformations of the receptor. Analyses of a series of chemical derivatives demonstrated that altering the ensemble of ligand binding orientations changes signaling output. The coupling of different ligand binding orientations to distinct active and inactive protein conformations defines a new mechanism for titrating allosteric signaling activity.

Reviews - 2qzo mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Versatility or promiscuity: the estrogen receptors, control of ligand selectivity and an update on subtype selective ligands. Ng HW, Perkins R, Tong W, Hong H. Int J Environ Res Public Health 11 8709-8742 (2014)

Articles - 2qzo mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Selective Human Estrogen Receptor Partial Agonists (ShERPAs) for Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer. Xiong R, Patel HK, Gutgesell LM, Zhao J, Delgado-Rivera L, Pham TND, Zhao H, Carlson K, Martin T, Katzenellenbogen JA, Moore TW, Tonetti DA, Thatcher GRJ. J Med Chem 59 219-237 (2016)
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  3. Formononetin promotes angiogenesis through the estrogen receptor alpha-enhanced ROCK pathway. Li S, Dang Y, Zhou X, Huang B, Huang X, Zhang Z, Kwan YW, Chan SW, Leung GP, Lee SM, Hoi MP. Sci Rep 5 16815 (2015)
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