Function and Biology

Structure of the Symmetric Mad2 Dimer

Sequence family

Pfam Protein family (Pfam)
Domain description: HORMA domain
Occurring in:
  1. Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2vfx contains 12 copies of Pfam domain PF02301 (HORMA domain) in Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A. Showing 1 copy in chain K.

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: HORMA domain
Occurring in:
  1. Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A
Domain description: HORMA domain superfamily
Occurring in:
  1. Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A
Domain description: Mad2-like
Occurring in:
  1. Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A

Structure domain

CATH CATH domain
Class: Alpha Beta
Architecture: 2-Layer Sandwich
Topology: Cell Cycle, Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Protein; Chain A
Homology: HORMA domain
Occurring in:
  1. Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2vfx contains 12 copies of CATH domain 3.30.900.10 (Cell Cycle, Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Protein; Chain A) in Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2A. Showing 1 copy in chain E.