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Structural and biochemical characterization of the wild type PCSK9-EGF(AB) complex and natural familial hypercholesterolemia mutants.


PCSK9 regulates low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) levels and consequently is a target for the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Here we studied the interaction, of LDLR EGF(A/AB) repeats with PCSK9. We show that PCSK9 binds the EGF(AB) repeats in a pH-dependent manner. Although the PCSK9 C-terminal domain is not involved in LDLR binding, PCSK9 autocleavage is required. Moreover, we report the x-ray structure of the PCSK9DeltaC-EGF(AB) complex at neutral pH. Compared with the low pH PCSK9-EGF(A) structure, the new structure revealed rearrangement of the EGF(A) His-306 side chain and disruption of the salt bridge with PCSK9 Asp-374, thus suggesting the basis for enhanced interaction at low pH. In addition, the structure of PCSK9DeltaC bound to EGF(AB)(H306Y), a mutant associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), reveals that the Tyr-306 side chain forms a hydrogen bond with PCSK9 Asp-374, thus mimicking His-306 in the low pH conformation. Consistently, Tyr-306 confers increased affinity for PCSK9. Importantly, we found that although the EGF(AB)(H306Y)-PCSK9 interaction is pH-independent, LDLR(H306Y) binds PCSK9 50-fold better at low pH, suggesting that factors other than His-306 contribute to the pH dependence of PCSK9-LDLR binding. Further, we determined the structures of EGF(AB) bound to PCSK9DeltaC containing the FH-associated D374Y and D374H mutations, revealing additional interactions with EGF(A) mediated by Tyr-374/His-374 and providing a rationale for their disease phenotypes. Finally, we report the inhibitory properties of EGF repeats in a cellular assay measuring LDL uptake.

Reviews - 2w2m mentioned but not cited (1)

Articles - 2w2m mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. A PCSK9-binding antibody that structurally mimics the EGF(A) domain of LDL-receptor reduces LDL cholesterol in vivo. Ni YG, Di Marco S, Condra JH, Peterson LB, Wang W, Wang F, Pandit S, Hammond HA, Rosa R, Cummings RT, Wood DD, Liu X, Bottomley MJ, Shen X, Cubbon RM, Wang SP, Johns DG, Volpari C, Hamuro L, Chin J, Huang L, Zhao JZ, Vitelli S, Haytko P, Wisniewski D, Mitnaul LJ, Sparrow CP, Hubbard B, Carfí A, Sitlani A. J Lipid Res 52 78-86 (2011)
  2. Propeptides are sufficient to regulate organelle-specific pH-dependent activation of furin and proprotein convertase 1/3. Dillon SL, Williamson DM, Elferich J, Radler D, Joshi R, Thomas G, Shinde U. J Mol Biol 423 47-62 (2012)
  3. Computational Study of PCSK9-EGFA Complex with Effective Polarizable Bond Force Field. Chen J, Duan L, Ji C, Zhang JZH. Front Mol Biosci 4 101 (2017)

Reviews citing this publication (20)

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