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Structural and functional characterization of human peripheral nervous system myelin protein P2.


The myelin sheath is a tightly packed multilayered membrane structure insulating selected axons in the central and the peripheral nervous systems. Myelin is a biochemically unique membrane, containing a specific set of proteins. In this study, we expressed and purified recombinant human myelin P2 protein and determined its crystal structure to a resolution of 1.85 A. A fatty acid molecule, modeled as palmitate based on the electron density, was bound inside the barrel-shaped protein. Solution studies using synchrotron radiation indicate that the crystal structure is similar to the structure of the protein in solution. Docking experiments using the high-resolution crystal structure identified cholesterol, one of the most abundant lipids in myelin, as a possible ligand for P2, a hypothesis that was proven by fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, electrostatic potential surface calculations supported a structural role for P2 inside the myelin membrane. The potential membrane-binding properties of P2 and a peptide derived from its N terminus were studied. Our results provide an enhanced view into the structure and function of the P2 protein from human myelin, which is able to bind both monomeric lipids inside its cavity and membrane surfaces.

Articles - 2wut mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. Structural and functional characterization of human peripheral nervous system myelin protein P2. Majava V, Polverini E, Mazzini A, Nanekar R, Knoll W, Peters J, Natali F, Baumgärtel P, Kursula I, Kursula P. PLoS One 5 e10300 (2010)
  2. De novo PMP2 mutations in families with type 1 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Motley WW, Palaima P, Yum SW, Gonzalez MA, Tao F, Wanschitz JV, Strickland AV, Löscher WN, De Vriendt E, Koppi S, Medne L, Janecke AR, Jordanova A, Zuchner S, Scherer SS. Brain 139 1649-1656 (2016)
  3. Atomic resolution view into the structure-function relationships of the human myelin peripheral membrane protein P2. Ruskamo S, Yadav RP, Sharma S, Lehtimäki M, Laulumaa S, Aggarwal S, Simons M, Bürck J, Ulrich AS, Juffer AH, Kursula I, Kursula P. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 70 165-176 (2014)
  4. Structural Basis for the Selective Inhibition of Cdc2-Like Kinases by CX-4945. Lee JY, Yun JS, Kim WK, Chun HS, Jin H, Cho S, Chang JH. Biomed Res Int 2019 6125068 (2019)
  5. Production and crystallization of a panel of structure-based mutants of the human myelin peripheral membrane protein P2. Lehtimäki M, Laulumaa S, Ruskamo S, Kursula P. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 68 1359-1362 (2012)
  6. Cryo-EM, X-ray diffraction, and atomistic simulations reveal determinants for the formation of a supramolecular myelin-like proteolipid lattice. Ruskamo S, Krokengen OC, Kowal J, Nieminen T, Lehtimäki M, Raasakka A, Dandey VP, Vattulainen I, Stahlberg H, Kursula P. J Biol Chem 295 8692-8705 (2020)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

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  3. Evolution of genetic and genomic features unique to the human lineage. O'Bleness M, Searles VB, Varki A, Gagneux P, Sikela JM. Nat Rev Genet 13 853-866 (2012)
  4. Myelin-specific proteins: a structurally diverse group of membrane-interacting molecules. Han H, Myllykoski M, Ruskamo S, Wang C, Kursula P. Biofactors 39 233-241 (2013)
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