2xfr Citations

Chemical genetics and cereal starch metabolism: structural basis of the non-covalent and covalent inhibition of barley β-amylase.

Mol Biosyst 7 718-30 (2011)
Related entries: 2xff, 2xfy, 2xg9, 2xgb, 2xgi

Cited: 21 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 21085740


There are major issues regarding the proposed pathway for starch degradation in germinating cereal grain. Given the commercial importance but genetic intractability of the problem, we have embarked on a program of chemical genetics studies to identify and dissect the pathway and regulation of starch degradation in germinating barley grains. As a precursor to in vivo studies, here we report systematic analysis of the reversible and irreversible inhibition of the major β-amylase of the grain endosperm (BMY1). The molecular basis of inhibitor action was defined through high resolution X-ray crystallography studies of unliganded barley β-amylase, as well as its complexes with glycone site binder disaccharide iminosugar G1M, irreversible inhibitors α-epoxypropyl and α-epoxybutyl glucosides, which target the enzyme's catalytic residues, and the aglycone site binders acarbose and α-cyclodextrin.

Reviews - 2xfr mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Biotechnological Processes in Microbial Amylase Production. Gopinath SC, Gopinath SC, Anbu P, Arshad MK, Lakshmipriya T, Voon CH, Hashim U, Chinni SV. Biomed Res Int 2017 1272193 (2017)

Articles - 2xfr mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Cell-cycle-dependent EBNA1-DNA crosslinking promotes replication termination at oriP and viral episome maintenance. Dheekollu J, Wiedmer A, Ayyanathan K, Deakyne JS, Messick TE, Lieberman PM. Cell 184 643-654.e13 (2021)
  2. Arginine off-kilter: guanidinium is not as planar as restraints denote. Moriarty NW, Liebschner D, Tronrud DE, Adams PD. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 76 1159-1166 (2020)
  3. Noncanonical interactions between serpin and β-amylase in barley grain improve β-amylase activity in vitro. Cohen M, Fluhr R. Plant Direct 2 e00054 (2018)
  4. Expression, biochemical and structural characterization of high-specific-activity β-amylase from Bacillus aryabhattai GEL-09 for application in starch hydrolysis. Duan X, Zhu Q, Zhang X, Shen Z, Huang Y. Microb Cell Fact 20 182 (2021)
  5. The oxygen-oxygen distance of water in crystallographic data sets. Palese LL. Data Brief 28 105076 (2020)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. A broader view: microbial enzymes and their relevance in industries, medicine, and beyond. Gurung N, Ray S, Bose S, Rai V. Biomed Res Int 2013 329121 (2013)
  2. Iminosugar inhibitors of carbohydrate-active enzymes that underpin cereal grain germination and endosperm metabolism. Andriotis VM, Rejzek M, Rugen MD, Svensson B, Smith AM, Field RA. Biochem Soc Trans 44 159-165 (2016)

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