Function and Biology

Crystal structure of the G alpha protein AtGPA1 from Arabidopsis thaliana

Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Biochemical function: GTPase binding
Biological process: regulation of stomatal closure
Cellular component: plasmodesma

EC Heterotrimeric G-protein GTPase

Reaction catalysed:
GTP + H(2)O = GDP + phosphate
Systematic name:
GTP phosphohydrolase (signaling)

Sequence family

Pfam Protein family (Pfam)
Domain description: G-protein alpha subunit
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2xtz contains 3 copies of Pfam domain PF00503 (G-protein alpha subunit) in Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit. Showing 1 copy in chain A.

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G-protein), alpha subunit
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
Domain description: Plant G-protein, alpha subunit
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
Domain description: G protein alpha subunit, helical insertion
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
Domain description: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit

Structure domains

CATH CATH domains
Class: Alpha Beta
Architecture: 3-Layer(aba) Sandwich
Topology: Rossmann fold
Homology: P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2xtz contains 3 copies of CATH domain (Rossmann fold) in Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit. Showing 1 copy in chain A.
Class: Mainly Alpha
Architecture: Orthogonal Bundle
Topology: GI Alpha 1, domain 2-like
Homology: GI Alpha 1, domain 2-like
Occurring in:
  1. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2xtz contains 3 copies of CATH domain 1.10.400.10 (GI Alpha 1, domain 2-like) in Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit. Showing 1 copy in chain A.