2zd1 Citations

High-resolution structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/TMC278 complexes: strategic flexibility explains potency against resistance mutations.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 1466-71 (2008)
Related entries: 1hpz, 1hqe, 1hqu, 1s6p, 1s6q, 1s9e, 1s9g, 1suq, 1sv5, 1tvr, 1uwb, 2iaj, 2ic3, 2ze2, 3bgr

Cited: 220 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 18230722


TMC278 is a diarylpyrimidine (DAPY) nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) that is highly effective in treating wild-type and drug-resistant HIV-1 infections in clinical trials at relatively low doses ( approximately 25-75 mg/day). We have determined the structure of wild-type HIV-1 RT complexed with TMC278 at 1.8 A resolution, using an RT crystal form engineered by systematic RT mutagenesis. This high-resolution structure reveals that the cyanovinyl group of TMC278 is positioned in a hydrophobic tunnel connecting the NNRTI-binding pocket to the nucleic acid-binding cleft. The crystal structures of TMC278 in complexes with the double mutant K103N/Y181C (2.1 A) and L100I/K103N HIV-1 RTs (2.9 A) demonstrated that TMC278 adapts to bind mutant RTs. In the K103N/Y181C RT/TMC278 structure, loss of the aromatic ring interaction caused by the Y181C mutation is counterbalanced by interactions between the cyanovinyl group of TMC278 and the aromatic side chain of Y183, which is facilitated by an approximately 1.5 A shift of the conserved Y(183)MDD motif. In the L100I/K103N RT/TMC278 structure, the binding mode of TMC278 is significantly altered so that the drug conforms to changes in the binding pocket primarily caused by the L100I mutation. The flexible binding pocket acts as a molecular "shrink wrap" that makes a shape complementary to the optimized TMC278 in wild-type and drug-resistant forms of HIV-1 RT. The crystal structures provide a better understanding of how the flexibility of an inhibitor can compensate for drug-resistance mutations.

Reviews - 2zd1 mentioned but not cited (7)

  1. The structural biology of HIV-1: mechanistic and therapeutic insights. Engelman A, Cherepanov P. Nat Rev Microbiol 10 279-290 (2012)
  2. Drug resistance in non-B subtype HIV-1: impact of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Singh K, Flores JA, Kirby KA, Neogi U, Sonnerborg A, Hachiya A, Das K, Arnold E, McArthur C, Parniak M, Sarafianos SG. Viruses 6 3535-3562 (2014)
  3. Avoiding Drug Resistance in HIV Reverse Transcriptase. Cilento ME, Kirby KA, Sarafianos SG. Chem Rev 121 3271-3296 (2021)
  4. Molecular Docking Studies of HIV-1 Resistance to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors: Mini-Review. Tarasova O, Poroikov V, Veselovsky A. Molecules 23 E1233 (2018)
  5. Development of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs): our past twenty years. Zhuang C, Pannecouque C, De Clercq E, Chen F. Acta Pharm Sin B 10 961-978 (2020)
  6. Computational drug design strategies applied to the modelling of human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Santos LH, Ferreira RS, Caffarena ER. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 110 847-864 (2015)
  7. Insights into HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Inhibition and Drug Resistance from Thirty Years of Structural Studies. Singh AK, Das K. Viruses 14 1027 (2022)

Articles - 2zd1 mentioned but not cited (53)

  1. High-resolution structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/TMC278 complexes: strategic flexibility explains potency against resistance mutations. Das K, Bauman JD, Clark AD, Frenkel YV, Lewi PJ, Shatkin AJ, Hughes SH, Arnold E. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 1466-1471 (2008)
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  3. Elucidating the inhibition mechanism of HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors through multicopy molecular dynamics simulations. Ivetac A, McCammon JA. J Mol Biol 388 644-658 (2009)
  4. Snapshot of the equilibrium dynamics of a drug bound to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Kuroda DG, Bauman JD, Challa JR, Patel D, Troxler T, Das K, Arnold E, Hochstrasser RM. Nat Chem 5 174-181 (2013)
  5. Structural Aspects of Drug Resistance and Inhibition of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase. Singh K, Marchand B, Kirby KA, Michailidis E, Sarafianos SG. Viruses 2 606-638 (2010)
  6. Biochemical mechanism of HIV-1 resistance to rilpivirine. Singh K, Marchand B, Rai DK, Sharma B, Michailidis E, Ryan EM, Matzek KB, Leslie MD, Hagedorn AN, Li Z, Norden PR, Hachiya A, Parniak MA, Xu HT, Wainberg MA, Sarafianos SG. J Biol Chem 287 38110-38123 (2012)
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