3bct Citations

Three-dimensional structure of the armadillo repeat region of beta-catenin.

Cell 90 871-82 (1997)
Cited: 422 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 9298899


Beta-catenin is essential for cadherin-based cell adhesion and Wnt/Wingless growth factor signaling. In these roles, it binds to cadherins, Tcf-family transcription factors, and the tumor suppressor gene product Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC). A core region of beta-catenin, composed of 12 copies of a 42 amino acid sequence motif known as an armadillo repeat, mediates these interactions. The three-dimensional structure of a protease-resistant fragment of beta-catenin containing the armadillo repeat region has been determined. The 12 repeats form a superhelix of helices that features a long, positively charged groove. Although unrelated in sequence, the beta-catenin binding regions of cadherins, Tcfs, and APC are acidic and are proposed to interact with this groove.

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  3. The metaphorical swiss army knife: The multitude and diverse roles of HEAT domains in eukaryotic translation initiation. Friedrich D, Marintchev A, Arthanari H. Nucleic Acids Res 50 5424-5442 (2022)

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