Reviews - 3blg mentioned but not cited (3)
- Overview of protein structural and functional folds. Sun PD, Foster CE, Boyington JC. Curr Protoc Protein Sci Chapter 17 Unit 17.1 (2004)
- Recent Advances in NMR Protein Structure Prediction with ROSETTA. Koehler Leman J, Künze G. Int J Mol Sci 24 7835 (2023)
- Thoroughly review the recent progresses in improving O/W interfacial properties of proteins through various strategies. Zhang H, Zhao X, Chen X, Xu X. Front Nutr 9 1043809 (2022)
Articles - 3blg mentioned but not cited (22)
- Prediction of the water content in protein binding sites. Michel J, Tirado-Rives J, Jorgensen WL. J Phys Chem B 113 13337-13346 (2009)
- A dry ligand-binding cavity in a solvated protein. Qvist J, Davidovic M, Hamelberg D, Halle B. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 6296-6301 (2008)
- Retention of Native Protein Structures in the Absence of Solvent: A Coupled Ion Mobility and Spectroscopic Study. Seo J, Hoffmann W, Warnke S, Bowers MT, Pagel K, von Helden G. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 55 14173-14176 (2016)
- Computational Insights into Compaction of Gas-Phase Protein and Protein Complex Ions in Native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry. Rolland AD, Prell JS. Trends Analyt Chem 116 282-291 (2019)
- Retinoic acid prevents immunogenicity of milk lipocalin Bos d 5 through binding to its immunodominant T-cell epitope. Hufnagl K, Ghosh D, Wagner S, Fiocchi A, Dahdah L, Bianchini R, Braun N, Steinborn R, Hofer M, Blaschitz M, Roth GA, Hofstetter G, Roth-Walter F, Pacios LF, Jensen-Jarolim E. Sci Rep 8 1598 (2018)
- A generic approach to evaluate how B-cell epitopes are surface-exposed on protein structures. Lollier V, Denery-Papini S, Larré C, Tessier D. Mol Immunol 48 577-585 (2011)
- Investigation of Charge-State-Dependent Compaction of Protein Ions with Native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Theory. Rolland AD, Biberic LS, Prell JS. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 33 369-381 (2022)
- The effect of nanoscale surface curvature on the oligomerization of surface-bound proteins. Kurylowicz M, Paulin H, Mogyoros J, Giuliani M, Dutcher JR. J R Soc Interface 11 20130818 (2014)
- β-lactoglobulin's conformational requirements for ligand binding at the calyx and the dimer interphase: a flexible docking study. Domínguez-Ramírez L, Del Moral-Ramírez E, Cortes-Hernández P, García-Garibay M, Jiménez-Guzmán J. PLoS One 8 e79530 (2013)
- Traceless cysteine-linchpin enables precision engineering of lysine in native proteins. Reddy NC, Molla R, Joshi PN, T K S, Basu I, Kawadkar J, Kalra N, Mishra RK, Chakrabarty S, Shukla S, Rai V. Nat Commun 13 6038 (2022)
- Approach to Study pH-Dependent Protein Association Using Constant-pH Molecular Dynamics: Application to the Dimerization of β-Lactoglobulin. da Rocha L, Baptista AM, Campos SRR. J Chem Theory Comput 18 1982-2001 (2022)
- Effect of Ligands on HP-Induced Unfolding and Oligomerization of β-Lactoglobulin. Minić S, Annighöfer B, Hélary A, Hamdane D, Hui Bon Hoa G, Loupiac C, Brûlet A, Combet S. Biophys J 119 2262-2274 (2020)
- Changes in protein structure monitored by use of gas-phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Beeston HS, Ault JR, Pringle SD, Brown JM, Ashcroft AE. Proteomics 15 2842-2850 (2015)
- Effects of High Intensity Ultrasound on Physiochemical and Structural Properties of Goat Milk β-Lactoglobulin. Zhou X, Wang C, Sun X, Zhao Z, Guo M. Molecules 25 E3637 (2020)
- Engineered β-Lactoglobulin Produced in E. coli: Purification, Biophysical and Structural Characterisation. Loch JI, Bonarek P, Tworzydło M, Polit A, Hawro B, Łach A, Ludwin E, Lewiński K. Mol Biotechnol 58 605-618 (2016)
- Simulation of pH-Dependent Conformational Transitions in Membrane Proteins: The CLC-ec1 Cl-/H+ Antiporter. Kots E, Shore DM, Weinstein H. Molecules 26 6956 (2021)
- Structure and stability of Gyuba, a β-lactoglobulin chimera. Ohtomo H, Konuma T, Utsunoiya H, Tsuge H, Ikeguchi M. Protein Sci 20 1867-1875 (2011)
- A 200 nanoseconds all-atom simulation of the pH-dependent EF loop transition in bovine β-lactoglobulin. The role of the orientation of the E89 side chain. Fenner K, Redgate A, Brancaleon L. J Biomol Struct Dyn 40 549-564 (2022)
- Docking and Molecular Dynamics Predictions of Pesticide Binding to the Calyx of Bovine β-Lactoglobulin. Cortes-Hernandez P, Vázquez Nuñez R, Domínguez-Ramírez L. Int J Mol Sci 21 E1988 (2020)
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- Invited review: beta-lactoglobulin: binding properties, structure, and function. Kontopidis G, Holt C, Sawyer L. J Dairy Sci 87 785-796 (2004)
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- Intracellular pH sensors: design principles and functional significance. Srivastava J, Barber DL, Jacobson MP. Physiology (Bethesda) 22 30-39 (2007)
- Experimentally determined lipocalin structures. Flower DR. Biochim Biophys Acta 1482 46-56 (2000)
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- A kinetic study of beta-lactoglobulin amyloid fibril formation promoted by urea. Hamada D, Dobson CM. Protein Sci 11 2417-2426 (2002)
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