3cvu Citations

Crystal structure and mechanism of a DNA (6-4) photolyase.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 47 10076-80 (2008)
Cited: 93 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 18956392

Reviews - 3cvu mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. DNA repair by reversal of DNA damage. Yi C, He C. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5 a012575 (2013)
  2. Formation and Recognition of UV-Induced DNA Damage within Genome Complexity. Johann To Berens P, Molinier J. Int J Mol Sci 21 E6689 (2020)
  3. Structural biology of DNA (6-4) photoproducts formed by ultraviolet radiation and interactions with their binding proteins. Yokoyama H, Mizutani R. Int J Mol Sci 15 20321-20338 (2014)
  4. Circadian oscillator proteins across the kingdoms of life: structural aspects. Saini R, Jaskolski M, Davis SJ. BMC Biol. 17 13 (2019)

Articles - 3cvu mentioned but not cited (12)

  1. SCF(FBXL3) ubiquitin ligase targets cryptochromes at their cofactor pocket. Xing W, Busino L, Hinds TR, Marionni ST, Saifee NH, Bush MF, Pagano M, Zheng N. Nature 496 64-68 (2013)
  2. Crystal structure of a prokaryotic (6-4) photolyase with an Fe-S cluster and a 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine antenna chromophore. Zhang F, Scheerer P, Oberpichler I, Lamparter T, Krauß N. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110 7217-7222 (2013)
  3. The archaeal cofactor F0 is a light-harvesting antenna chromophore in eukaryotes. Glas AF, Maul MJ, Cryle M, Barends TR, Schneider S, Kaya E, Schlichting I, Carell T. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106 11540-11545 (2009)
  4. Origin of light-induced spin-correlated radical pairs in cryptochrome. Weber S, Biskup T, Okafuji A, Marino AR, Berthold T, Link G, Hitomi K, Getzoff ED, Schleicher E, Norris JR. J Phys Chem B 114 14745-14754 (2010)
  5. The Trichoderma reesei Cry1 protein is a member of the cryptochrome/photolyase family with 6-4 photoproduct repair activity. Guzmán-Moreno J, Flores-Martínez A, Brieba LG, Herrera-Estrella A. PLoS ONE 9 e100625 (2014)
  6. Key Amino Acids in the Bacterial (6-4) Photolyase PhrB from Agrobacterium fabrum. Graf D, Wesslowski J, Ma H, Scheerer P, Krauß N, Oberpichler I, Zhang F, Lamparter T. PLoS ONE 10 e0140955 (2015)
  7. Structural role of two histidines in the (6-4) photolyase reaction. Yamada D, Iwata T, Yamamoto J, Hitomi K, Todo T, Iwai S, Getzoff ED, Kandori H. Biophys Physicobiol 12 139-144 (2015)
  8. Structure of the bifunctional cryptochrome aCRY from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Franz S, Ignatz E, Wenzel S, Zielosko H, Putu EPGN, Maestre-Reyna M, Tsai MD, Yamamoto J, Mittag M, Essen LO. Nucleic Acids Res. 46 8010-8022 (2018)
  9. The three-dimensional structure of Drosophila melanogaster (6-4) photolyase at room temperature. Cellini A, Yuan Wahlgren W, Henry L, Pandey S, Ghosh S, Castillon L, Claesson E, Takala H, Kübel J, Nimmrich A, Kuznetsova V, Nango E, Iwata S, Owada S, Stojković EA, Schmidt M, Ihalainen JA, Westenhoff S. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 77 1001-1009 (2021)
  10. Coulomb and CH-π interactions in (6-4) photolyase-DNA complex dominate DNA binding and repair abilities. Terai Y, Sato R, Yumiba T, Harada R, Shimizu K, Toga T, Ishikawa-Fujiwara T, Todo T, Iwai S, Shigeta Y, Yamamoto J. Nucleic Acids Res. 46 6761-6772 (2018)
  11. Limited solvation of an electron donating tryptophan stabilizes a photoinduced charge-separated state in plant (6-4) photolyase. Hosokawa Y, Müller P, Kitoh-Nishioka H, Iwai S, Yamamoto J. Sci Rep 12 5084 (2022)
  12. The crystal structure of Vibrio cholerae (6-4) photolyase reveals interactions with cofactors and a DNA-binding region. Cakilkaya B, Kavakli IH, DeMirci H. J Biol Chem 299 102794 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (21)

  1. The cryptochromes: blue light photoreceptors in plants and animals. Chaves I, Pokorny R, Byrdin M, Hoang N, Ritz T, Brettel K, Essen LO, van der Horst GT, Batschauer A, Ahmad M. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62 335-364 (2011)
  2. DNA base repair--recognition and initiation of catalysis. Dalhus B, Laerdahl JK, Backe PH, Bjørås M. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 33 1044-1078 (2009)
  3. Structural biology of DNA photolyases and cryptochromes. Müller M, Carell T. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 19 277-285 (2009)
  4. Surviving the sun: repair and bypass of DNA UV lesions. Yang W. Protein Sci. 20 1781-1789 (2011)
  5. Electron transfer mechanisms of DNA repair by photolyase. Zhong D. Annu Rev Phys Chem 66 691-715 (2015)
  6. Chemical investigation of light induced DNA bipyrimidine damage and repair. Heil K, Pearson D, Carell T. Chem Soc Rev 40 4271-4278 (2011)
  7. Dynamics and mechanisms of DNA repair by photolyase. Liu Z, Wang L, Zhong D. Phys Chem Chem Phys 17 11933-11949 (2015)
  8. Physicochemical mechanism of light-driven DNA repair by (6-4) photolyases. Faraji S, Dreuw A. Annu Rev Phys Chem 65 275-292 (2014)
  9. Formation and Direct Repair of UV-induced Dimeric DNA Pyrimidine Lesions. Kneuttinger AC, Kashiwazaki G, Prill S, Heil K, Müller M, Carell T. Photochem. Photobiol. 90 1-14 (2014)
  10. How is the inner circadian clock controlled by interactive clock proteins?: Structural analysis of clock proteins elucidates their physiological role. Merbitz-Zahradnik T, Wolf E. FEBS Lett. 589 1516-1529 (2015)
  11. Radical and electron recycling in catalysis. Buckel W. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48 6779-6787 (2009)
  12. Structural Aspects of DNA Repair and Recombination in Crop Improvement. Verma P, Tandon R, Yadav G, Gaur V. Front Genet 11 574549 (2020)
  13. Repair of (6-4) Lesions in DNA by (6-4) Photolyase: 20 Years of Quest for the Photoreaction Mechanism. Yamamoto J, Plaza P, Brettel K. Photochem. Photobiol. 93 51-66 (2017)
  14. DNA Repair by the Radical SAM Enzyme Spore Photoproduct Lyase: From Biochemistry to Structural Investigations. Berteau O, Benjdia A. Photochem. Photobiol. 93 67-77 (2017)
  15. Photolyase: Dynamics and Mechanisms of Repair of Sun-Induced DNA Damage. Zhang M, Wang L, Zhong D. Photochem. Photobiol. 93 78-92 (2017)
  16. Insights into Light-driven DNA Repair by Photolyases: Challenges and Opportunities for Electronic Structure Theory. Faraji S, Dreuw A. Photochem. Photobiol. 93 37-50 (2017)
  17. All You Need Is Light. Photorepair of UV-Induced Pyrimidine Dimers. Banaś AK, Zgłobicki P, Kowalska E, Bażant A, Dziga D, Strzałka W. Genes (Basel) 11 E1304 (2020)
  18. Photolyase: Dynamics and electron-transfer mechanisms of DNA repair. Zhang M, Wang L, Zhong D. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 632 158-174 (2017)
  19. Cryptochromes in mammals: a magnetoreception misconception? Zhang L, Malkemper EP. Front Physiol 14 1250798 (2023)
  20. Spiers Memorial Lecture. Introductory lecture: the impact of structure on photoinduced processes in nucleic acids and proteins. Domratcheva T, Schlichting I. Faraday Discuss. 207 9-26 (2018)
  21. UV Radiation in DNA Damage and Repair Involving DNA-Photolyases and Cryptochromes. Vechtomova YL, Telegina TA, Buglak AA, Kritsky MS. Biomedicines 9 1564 (2021)

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  41. Theoretical analyses on a flipping mechanism of UV-induced DNA damage. Sato R, Harada R, Shigeta Y. Biophys Physicobiol 13 311-319 (2016)
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  43. DNA Repair. Carell T. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 54 15330-15333 (2015)
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