3d8c Citations

Evidence that two enzyme-derived histidine ligands are sufficient for iron binding and catalysis by factor inhibiting HIF (FIH).


A 2-His-1-carboxylate triad of iron binding residues is present in many non-heme iron oxygenases including the Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG)-dependent dioxygenases. Three variants (D201A, D201E, and D201G) of the iron binding Asp-201 residue of an asparaginyl hydroxylase, factor inhibiting HIF (FIH), were made and analyzed. FIH-D201A and FIH-D201E did not catalyze asparaginyl hydroxylation, but in the presence of a reducing agent, they displayed enhanced 2OG turnover when compared with wild-type FIH. Turnover of 2OG by FIH-D201A was significantly stimulated by the addition of HIF-1alpha(786-826) peptide. Like FIH-D201A and D201E, the D201G variant enhanced 2OG turnover but rather unexpectedly catalyzed asparaginyl hydroxylation. Crystal structures of the FIH-D201A and D201G variants in complex with Fe(II)/Zn(II), 2OG, and HIF-1alpha(786-826/788-806) implied that only two FIH-based residues (His-199 and His-279) are required for metal binding. The results indicate that variation of 2OG-dependent dioxygenase iron-ligating residues as a means of functional assignment should be treated with caution. The results are of mechanistic interest in the light of recent biochemical and structural analyses of non-heme iron and 2OG-dependent halogenases that are similar to the FIH-D201A/G variants in that they use only two His-residues to ligate iron.

Articles - 3d8c mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Evidence that two enzyme-derived histidine ligands are sufficient for iron binding and catalysis by factor inhibiting HIF (FIH). Hewitson KS, Holmes SL, Ehrismann D, Hardy AP, Chowdhury R, Schofield CJ, McDonough MA. J Biol Chem 283 25971-25978 (2008)
  2. Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) as a model for studying inhibition of protein-protein interactions. Burslem GM, Kyle HF, Nelson A, Edwards TA, Wilson AJ. Chem Sci 8 4188-4202 (2017)
  3. The facial triad in the α-ketoglutarate dependent oxygenase FIH: A role for sterics in linking substrate binding to O2 activation. Hangasky JA, Taabazuing CY, Martin CB, Eron SJ, Knapp MJ. J Inorg Biochem 166 26-33 (2017)
  4. Substrate Promotes Productive Gas Binding in the α-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenase FIH. Taabazuing CY, Fermann J, Garman S, Knapp MJ. Biochemistry 55 277-286 (2016)
  5. Erratum: Further Correction: Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) as a model for studying inhibition of protein-protein interactions. Burslem GM, Kyle HF, Nelson A, Edwards TA, Wilson AJ. Chem Sci 9 2008-2009 (2018)

Reviews citing this publication (8)

  1. Inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases. Rose NR, McDonough MA, King ON, Kawamura A, Schofield CJ. Chem Soc Rev 40 4364-4397 (2011)
  2. Structural studies on human 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases. McDonough MA, Loenarz C, Chowdhury R, Clifton IJ, Schofield CJ. Curr Opin Struct Biol 20 659-672 (2010)
  3. The HIF pathway and erythrocytosis. Lee FS, Percy MJ. Annu Rev Pathol 6 165-192 (2011)
  4. Structure-function relationships of human JmjC oxygenases-demethylases versus hydroxylases. Markolovic S, Leissing TM, Chowdhury R, Wilkins SE, Lu X, Schofield CJ. Curr Opin Struct Biol 41 62-72 (2016)
  5. Autocatalysed oxidative modifications to 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases. Mantri M, Zhang Z, McDonough MA, Schofield CJ. FEBS J 279 1563-1575 (2012)
  6. Imposing function down a (cupin)-barrel: secondary structure and metal stereochemistry in the αKG-dependent oxygenases. Hangasky JA, Taabazuing CY, Valliere MA, Knapp MJ. Metallomics 5 287-301 (2013)
  7. Structural definitions of Jumonji family demethylase selectivity. Pilka ES, James T, Lisztwan JH. Drug Discov Today 20 743-749 (2015)
  8. Adventures in Defining Roles of Oxygenases in the Regulation of Protein Biosynthesis. Walport LJ, Schofield CJ. Chem Rec 18 1760-1781 (2018)

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